Agenda and minutes

Severnside Area Committee (2020) - Wednesday, 23rd January, 2019 1.00 pm

Venue: Room 6 Innovation House Magor - Room 6 Innovation House Magor. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


No declarations of interest were made by Members.


Public Open Forum


There were no matters for the public open forum.


Budget Consultation Engagement pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Cabinet Member for Resources provided a presentation on the 2019/20 budget proposals.


Presentation:  Budget Consultation presentation


Following the presentation comments were made regarding housing:


In terms of new builds, this would see an income of approximately £600,000 depending on completions.  In terms of rates, every 1% increase in Council Tax would see an income of £450,000.


Deprivation, rurality and sparsity have an impact on the settlement received, and because Monmouthshire has little perceived deprivation we have received lower funding.  All rural authorities are making representations in respect of this.  Progress is being made with Westminster Government band the funding formula.


A Member referred to a discussion at Full Council regarding the development of a housing company.  Officers explained a lot of work is still going on to form a development company rather than a specific housing development company, to avoid a narrow steer, and avoid complications around the housing stock transfer conditions.  It was highlighted that the LDP is working hard to address housing issues.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member for the presentation, and officers for their input.



Town Team Update


We received an update on the situation with empty properties in the town, and it was unanimous that focus should be on commercial, rather than food based options.


Mencap now occupy the old Post Office building. 


Poundstretcher are unlikely to take the Store 21 space. 


Maps for the town are due for completion early spring, and are hoped to be placed at Asda car park; Cross area; outside library; Caldicot Castle.  Credit card sized, fold-up maps are also being produced to be distributed through a wider area, and hope to increase footfall in the town.


Dates for markets and events for 2019 are set as follows:


23rd March       Spring Market

20th April          Easter Market

24th May          Street Feast

1st June`          Summer Market

5th July            Street Feast

2nd August       Family Fun Day

18th August      999 Day

7th September Shop Local September

5th October      Autumn Market

11/12 October Hogfest @ HTB

13th October    Hoggin the Bridge

2nd November Winter Market

7th December Christmas Market





Caldicot Regeneration Update


The Head of Economy and Innovation provided a presentation on the Caldicot regeneration scheme: Caldicot Regeneration Presentation to Severnside


Following the presentation the Chair asked for information on the old One Stop Shop.  We heard that currently the Passenger Transport Unit are still occupying the space.  Officers will identify if there is an internal use, and if not will look to externalise as a short term let.  When the PTU move out, the back of the building will be demolished.


Members expressed disappointment on damage to the war memorial and suggested it should be fenced in.  The Head of Operations agreed to look at options and report back to committee.  Mention was also made of the memorial being littered with glasses, and speaking to the landlord of The Cross may be useful.


The Chair referred to the importance of area grants.



Presentation from the Community and Partnership Development Team - Delivering the Social Justice Plan


The Committee received a presentation from the Community and Partnership Development Lead around the Social Justice Strategy: Social Justice Strategy


Comments around Members involvement were welcomed.


Members suggested that Third Sector partners are key to this strategy and we should look to how those are funded.


The Officer responded that there are clear structural issues, some requiring a high level response, but in addition there is a cumulative effect of many small responses, from a grass roots level.


We heard this is an emerging area of work, focused around information sharing, helping the team to be as knowledgeable as possible.


The Chair thanked the officer and encouraged Members to provide feedback where possible.




Monmouthshire Replacement Local Development Plan Draft Issues, Vision and Objectives pdf icon PDF 138 KB

Additional documents:


The Head of Planning, Place Shaping and Housing presented the next stage of the LDP process, in order to seek the views of Severnside Area Committee on the Draft Issues, Vision and Objectives Paper in relation to the Monmouthshire Replacement Local Development Plan.


Issues, brought together through the PSB service plan included:


·         Population and Demography

·         Landscapes/Listed Buildings – balancing growth with protecting assets

·         Rural isolation and sustaining rural services

·         Salaries

·         Commuting distances

·         House prices


In terms of Members feedback, the Chair highlighted that there were only 3 Members of the Committee present, and therefore would not reflect a true picture.


Debby Davies, of John Griffiths AM office, highlighted that we do not yet know the impact of the removal of the Severn Bridge Tolls.  Impacts are already being seen by residents in rental accommodation.


It was agreed that Members of the Committee would be invited to submit feedback to Officers by 13th February 2019.  A further update would be brought to the April meeting.


To conclude the Committee resolved to accept the recommendation:


To note the contents of the Draft Paper. This is not a formal consultation stage, however, views are sought on the draft issues, vision and objectives. Comments received will help inform the final issues, vision and objectives which will be set out in the Replacement LDP Preferred Strategy.



Speed Management Strategy pdf icon PDF 61 KB

Additional documents:


The Highways Manager presented the Speed Management Strategy, as per the agenda pack, in order for Members to consider the Monmouthshire Speed Management Strategy.  This policy will set out the Councils approach to speed management within the County and will form part of the overall Monmouthshire Road Safety Strategy.


Debby Davies highlighted the problem encountered in Newport Area with flashing speed signs encouraging younger drivers to compete for higher speeds.  We heard that the signs can be set with a higher threshold.


A Member flagged up concerns around the three field site, particularly for older people and children.  We heard that Speed Indication Devices (SIDs) and Vehicular Activated Signs (VASs), both flash and record data, and this could be reinstated.


The Committee welcomed the strategy and accepted the recommendation:


That the Area Committee(s) endorse and approve the Monmouthshire Speed Management Policy.





Confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 63 KB


The minutes of the meeting of Severnside Area Committee held on 24th October 2018 were confirmed and signed by the Chair. 


In doing so it was noted that County Councillor D. Evans and J. Watkins had been present.


Date and time of next meeting - Wednesday 17th April 2019 at 10am

