Agenda and minutes

Severnside Area Committee (2020) - Wednesday, 24th January, 2018 10.00 am

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest




Confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27th September 2017 pdf icon PDF 148 KB


The minutes of the meeting of Severnside Area Committee held on 27th September 2017 were approved and signed by the Chair.



Public Open Forum


Trevor Harris was in attendance to receive an update on the Highways issue flagged up at a previous meeting.  Unfortunately no officers were in attendance to respond.  The Committee heard of recent accidents and concerns surrounding HGVs travelling through the village.  Mr. Harris added that he had also submitted a complaint regarding road damage but had received no response.


Councillor Easson insisted that officers should re-submit their bid to Welsh Government for funding.


Members agreed that the issue of speeding should be addressed with no delay and recognised the lack of police presence.


Councillor Guppy added that pot holes were an issue on the B4245 and questioned the examinations carried out by Highways department. 


Councillor Davies suggested that the Police Crime Commissioner, or a representative be invited to the next area committee meeting, noting the need to develop a uniform approach to speed limits in areas surrounding schools.


There was much frustration and disappointment in the lack of officer attendance.





Traffic on the B4245


Item deferred – no officer in attendance.


Area Grants


Andy Smith, the officer expected had given apologies.


Concerns were raised regarding the process of dealing with grant applications.  The Chair agreed to arrange a meeting as soon as possible with the relevant officers.




Town Team Update


The Committee received an update from Aaron Reeks of Caldicot Town Team. 


·         The 4 new benches had been delivered that morning and a final schedule was to be put to MCC.  It was hoped to start by the end of February, increasing seats from 11 to 17.

·         Looking to replace bins with improved recycling facilities.

·         Installed gum drop bins were working well with a reduction of litter and gum in the town.

·         Update on retail units

·         Addressing issues regarding advertising of retail spaces.

·         Application to turn offices into residential uniits, creating 4 flats. Parking for this would be allocated behind the property


Specialist market dates set for 2018, list to be emailed.


Events calendar for 2018 created, to include family fun day, 999 emergency services day, street food festivals and Hog on the Bridge.


The Chair congratulated the Town Team on the Christmas lighting and it was agreed this should line up with Caldicot Town Council, being financially beneficial.


Date and time of next meeting - 18th April 2018, Venue TBC


We noted the time and date of the next meeting, agreeing that should this need to be earlier due to grant applications 28th March would be a suitable date.