Venue: Innovation House Magor - Room 6 Innovation House Magor
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: County Councillor D. Evans was elected as Chair of the Committee.
Election of Vice Chair Minutes: The Election of Vice Chair was deferred until the next meeting. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from County Councillor J. Crook. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes:
In relation to item 7 - County Councillor J. Higginson declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest as a Member of Caldicot RFC and friend of Phoenix Jazz Band Officials.
In relation to item 7 - County Councillor D. Evans declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest as a Chair of the Caldicot Events Committee and Gwent Best Kept Village Committees.
Public open forum Minutes: No members of the public present. |
To confirm and sign the minutes of Severnside Area Committee held on 27th April 2016 Minutes: We signed and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 27th April 2016.
Town Councillor P. Stevens asked that the minutes were updated to reflect the questions asked of A. Reeks and the reasons that the Programme Board was disbanded, in response to the latter County Councillor A. Easson responded that the change had been brought about by changes made by Welsh Government. |
Review of Area Grant Applications Minutes: 1. Caldicot Town Team
Application refused as revenue, not capital.
2. Caldicot Events Committee
£1000 granted (subject to provision of financial information)
3. Wiggles and Giggles Toddler Group
£100 granted (subject to provision of financial information)
4. Gwent Best Village Competition
£100 granted (subject to provision of financial information)
5. 1st Redwick Rainbows
£600 granted (subject to provision of financial information)
6. Personal Sports Grant Application
£200 granted (subject to receipt of completed application form)
7. Caldicot RFC
£685 granted (half of the requested amount was granted, subject to the provision of financial information and the club raising & providing proof of the other £685 being raised)
8. Blue Phoenix Jazz Band
£1000 granted
9. Magor Brownies
£350 granted (subject to provision of financial information)
Members recognised there may be late applications to consider.
Date and time of next meeting Wednesday 20th July 2016 at 10am Room 6 – Innovation House, Magor Minutes: Wednesday 20th July 2016 at 10am Room 6 Innovation House, Magor. |