
SAC Recruitment Panel pre-meeting, Standing Advisory Council for Religion, Values and Ethics (SAC) - Monday, 26th February, 2024 12.30 pm

Proposed venue: Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Discussion on how the recruitment panel will operate


Following approval of the report entitled Membership of the Standing Advisory Council (SAC) and Future Recruitment Arrangements at a Special meeting of SAC on 7th February 2024, the LA representatives met to discuss future arrangements for the recruitment of Faith and Belief representatives.  The following points were agreed:


·        Recruitment Panel to consist of Chair, Vice Chair, and one from each of the two largest political groups from the current SAC membership with named substitutes allowed.  It was agreed:


i)                 Cllr Angela Sandles to represent the Labour Group with Cllr Bond as substitute.

ii)                Cllr Pavia to represent the Conservative Group with Cllr Buckler as substitute.

iii)              Quorum: 3


·        Letter to be sent to Town and Community Councils to seek expressions of interest in Faith and Belief representative vacancies. 


i)                 Sharon Randall-Smith to forward a draft of an advert to recruit LA Governors to Cllr Louise Brown to adapt and circulate to all present today to confirm the contents.  Clerk to send the letter.


·        It was decided that the completed application form can be validated by the organisation the applicant represents by an email to either Wendy or Sharon.  The form and e mail to be considered by the panel.


·        Application Form to be amended to ask if the applicant resides or works mainly in Monmouthshire. Clerk to check if the applications already received cover this point.


·        The panel will meet once the town and community councils have had opportunity to contact faith and belief organisations in the local area so should meet before the June meeting/after the March meeting.


·        Discussion on Current Members to be an item on the next SAC meeting agenda.