Agenda and minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religion, Values and Ethics (SAC) - Wednesday, 19th May, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Remote Meeting. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Confirmation of the appointment by Council of the Cabinet Member for Education as Chair of SACRE


County Councillor P. Pavia, Cabinet Member for Education, was confirmed as Chair as appointed by County Council.


Public Open Forum


No members of the public were present.


SACRE Membership Update


The Clerk provided a membership update as follows:


County Councillors:

CC L. Brown:  Moved from representing the Methodist Church

CC T. Thomas

CC P. Pavia   

CC M. Powell  (New): Appointed 12th May 2021

Vacancy (previously CC A. Webb)    

Vacancy (previously CC J. Watkins)


Faith Representatives:

Representing the Church in Wales (1):  Vacancy (Sharon Randell-Smith to contact)

Representing the Roman Catholic Church (1):  A. Szwagrzak        

Representing the Free Church Council (4)   

·         Vacancy (CC L Brown to make arrangements to fill vacancy)         

·         Suzanne Gooding (Presbyterian Church)     

·         Revd. J Greaves        

·         Nick Pryor (Salvation Army)  

Representing the Baha’i Faith:  Mrs. S. Cave          

Representing the Buddhist Faith:  Ngakpa Namgyal Chatral           

Representing the Hindu Faith:  Vacancy      

Representing the Jewish Faith:  Vacancy    

Representing the Muslim Faith:  Vacancy    

Representing the Sikh Faith:  Vacancy         


Representing Teachers Associations (7) 



Mr. N. Jenkins

Vacancy - Ms. C. Smith: now working out of County

Possible Vacancy - Ms. K. Wilding: on a secondment

Vacancy - Ms. K. Christofi: Too many commitments - happy to step down.

Ms. M. Millington        

Mrs. S. Hamar


ACTION: Sharon Randall -Smith to raise vacancies with JAG


Co-opted Members (2)        




R E Consultant         

Paula Webber


Representing Chief Officer, Children and Young People           

Sharon Randall-Smith


Concern was expressed at the lack of diversity in the faiths represented and it was decided to contact the Interfaith Council for assistance in filling vacancies.  It was agreed that a young person could be nominated as a Co-Opted Member via the Youth Forum (with the assurance of relevant safeguarding risk assessment).  It was also agreed to offer a Co-Opted vacancy to the Interfaith Council.


ACTIONS: The Clerk/Paula Webber to contact the Interfaith Council for Wales regarding faith representation. Sharon Randall- Smith to make arrangements for a young people’s representative.


Update from EAS RE Adviser


Paula Webber, RE Adviser kindly provided a presentation to update everyone on developments since the previous meeting covering the following:


·         Curriculum and Assessment Development: a few adjustments were made following receipt of consultation responses. The Curriculum and Assessment Bill is now law. Our agreed syllabus has to have regard to the Curriculum for Wales and Humanities AoLE. The slides outlining the main changes were circulated.

·         National Professional Learning: EAS has begun Senior Leadership professional learning.  Middle Leadership training will start after half term.  Meetings with Head of Humanities and Heads of RVE are arranged. Paula is available to meet with schools in the County also the curriculum leads from Learning Network Schools for curriculum development.

·         Funding for a programme of National Professional Learning for RVE: the news that funding for Professional Learning has been granted was welcomed.

·         RVE supporting framework – it is believed this is completed in draft.  We await notification of arrangements for consultation.

·         Qualification Wales Consultation: there is no update available.  SACRE’s response was submitted and the outcome is awaited.

·         GCSE and A Level: It was acknowledged that teachers are under significant pressure carrying out assessment at both levels.

·         SACRE Role in Monitoring and Supporting RVE: Guidance is expected. It was agreed that SACRE should discuss this responsibility and in the meantime Hwb access was requested for SACRE Members who wish to access resources. 

·         Estyn: Future inspection methods, and the role of SACRE, was queried.  It was agreed that WASACRE should be asked if there are plans to meet with Estyn.  An update was provided about changes to inspection due to the pandemic and to changes in the regulations for collecting and recording data.  Inspections will not contain judgements and standards witnessed will be exemplified in the text.  Self-evaluation will be key.  SACRE should satisfy itself about schools’ management in delivering the curriculum in RVE. As a starting point, we re will request a position statement facilitated by the EAS. [ACTION: SRS]

·         Ministerial Working Party (BAME contributions, community and Cynefin in the new curriculum): The RE Adviser will ascertain if there is a link to the recording available.  51 recommendations have been accepted by Welsh Government with £500,000 for implementation in Wales. There must be a whole school approach and RVE will form a significant part. SACRE needs to discuss what SACRE can do to support schools.

·         EAS Humanities Podcasts: A selection are conveniently available on the EAS website.

·         Resources for Schools: Recommended resources are available from the Interfaith Network (UK).  The link should be sent out to schools but the content may have to be adapted to comply.


A Member of the group made the following points:


·         The presentation slides were requested. 

·         Regarding BAME, it was pointed out that Faith Groups have not been consulted.  It was agreed this is an important point.  It was queried if there will be a similar consultation with faith and belief. This point will be raised with WASACRE.

·         For the consultation on the draft RVE framework, it was requested that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Update on the Welsh Government Religion, values and ethics supporting guidance (More information to follow)

Further Links to Papers/Information for information and consideration

·         RVE resources from Inter Faith Network UK (Years 7 – 9) - designed for use in England but can be adapted to suit your school level Humanities/RVE curriculum. Inter Faith Activity in the UK: a teacher resource for secondary pupils aged 11-14 - Resources - The Inter Faith Network (IFN)



It was noted that the consultation date has been delayed.  Hopefully it will be available for our consideration soon.  It will be circulated as soon as it is available. 


It was agreed that the RVE supporting guidance would require our detailed consideration and a Special meeting was proposed (face to face meeting was requested).  Members were requested to read and annotate the document before the meeting. 


The importance of the consultation on the guidance was emphasised as this will ultimately be the basis for the agreed syllabus conference.


WASACRE business


        i.            To receive the minutes of the WASACRE meeting held on Tuesday, 23rd March, 2021 (attached)

      ii.            WASACRE Executive election voting (papers to be sent when received)

     iii.            To note dates of future WASACRE meetings and confirm representation:

  • Summer – Teams meeting hosted by Powys SACRE 16 June 2021
  • Autumn – Torfaen (TBC)



Sue Cave and County Councillor Louise Brown will remotely attend the WASACRE meeting on 16th June 2021.  One further place is available so expressions of interest were invited.


Minutes of the WASACRE meeting held on 23rd March 2021 pdf icon PDF 549 KB


The minutes were received. It was pointed out that under “NAPfRE Presentation - Curriculum Bill” - the following sentence should read:


“In the legislation of the equalities act they did provide for an exemption to discrimination in relation to the context content of religious education that needs bearing in mind”.


Minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday, 24th February, 2021 at 10.00 am pdf icon PDF 279 KB


The minutes were noted.


To confirm the date of the next SACRE meeting as 20th October 2021