Venue: Council Chamber - Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Public Open Forum Minutes: There were no matters for the public open forum. |
Chairman's Announcement and Receipt of Petitions PDF 151 KB Minutes: Members commended staff, contractors and volunteers for their efforts during the period of heavy snow.
Councillor Sara Jones presented a petition signed by 684 residents of the Severside area urging MCC to provide a footpath between Undy and Rogiet to allow a safe commute for the public.
Declarations of interest Minutes: County Councillor F. Taylor declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in relation to items 9.1 and 10.1 as an independent member of Aneurin Bevan University Health Board.
County Council P.Pavia declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in relation to item 8.1 and 8.2 as the Chair of Governors of St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School, and item 10.1 as Research and Policy Lead, ADSS Cymru. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2018 PDF 229 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of County Council held on 18th January 2018 were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.
To confirm the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 15th February 2018 PDF 142 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of County Council held on 15th February 2018 were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chair. |
To note the County Council Action List PDF 128 KB Minutes: We noted the action list.
Feedback from the Period Poverty task group was provided. |
Reports of the Chief Officer, Resources: |
Minutes: The Cabinet Member presented the report to set policy and strategies for the 2018/19 financial year which cover treasury and prudential borrowing activities which Council employees must then adhere to. This is to ensure that an appropriate level of care is taken of the Authority’s funds and that a prudent budget is set to cover these activities.
During debate the following points were noted:
Clarification was sought around the future financial risks and it was questioned if the information provided was correct. The Cabinet Minister responded there it is always said there is a significant risk with capital receipts as external factors can determine when external receipts are received. Further discussion would be held at the end of the meeting in committee.
Council resolved to agree the recommendations:
That the proposed Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2018/19 (Appendix 1); and proposed Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19 (Appendix 2) including the Investment & Borrowing Strategies & the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement in Annex C, be approved together with the Treasury Limits as required by section 3 of the Local Government Act 2003.
To approve the use of the Prudential Indicators supplied (full draft list in Appendix 3) in the performance monitoring of the function during 2018-19.
That Audit Committee continues to review the Council’s Treasury activities on behalf of the Council by receiving the mid-year report and year-end report. |
Council Tax Resolution 2018/19 an Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2018/19 PDF 524 KB Minutes: The Cabinet Member presented the Council Tax Resolution 2018/19 and Revenue and Capital Budgets for 2018/19. The Council is bound by Statute to specific timescales for Council Tax setting and is also required to make certain defined resolutions. The recommendations that form the major part of this report are designed to comply with those Statutory Provisions. The recommended resolutions also draw together the Council Tax implications of precepts proposed by the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent and Town and Community Councils, thereby enabling the County Council to establish its headline Council Tax levels at the various property bands within each Town or Community area.
The opposition stated that schools faced the brunt of cuts and 50% of new proposals relate to children or education in some form.
It was suggested that significant sums of money could be raised by raising premiums on second home properties left vacant for six months, this could potentially refer to 4500 empty houses across Monmouthshire and could possibly raise over £200,000. This process would need a year consultation and could be included in the 2019/20 budget.
It was understood that officers were looking to move
Councillor Batrouni proposed an amendment, to implement:
1. 150% premium on second homes 2. To increase Discretionary Housing Payments by £50,000 3. Get rid of the fees for free school meals 4. Set aside £5000 for period poverty
The amendment was seconded and debate ensued.
The Leader thanked Councillor Batrouni for the amendment and requested further information surrounding DHP.
£5,000 would be set aside for period poverty should that be an outcome from the working group.
It was considered too late in the day to support the amendments, without time for consideration.
Difficulties surrounding pre-school child care were recognised and a 3 month assessment to identify impact was suggested.
Council voted on the amendment. The amendment was defeated.
Debate on the original recommendation ensued:
Disappointment was expressed regarding the cuts to the Highways budget, recent events demonstrating the effectiveness of the services.
The Leader of the Liberal Democrats thanked officers for the balanced budget and recognised the strains and challenges. She asked that there be further budget monitoring and updates provided to enable Council to act proactively.
There were concerns around the engagement process and it was hoped the strategy would be reviewed next year.
It was asked that the increase in breakfast club fees be monitored and addressed if significant impact.
County Councillor R. Greenland left the meeting at 12:00
In response to a question, the Area Committee grants are still available, pending the outcome of the Bryn Y Cwm review.
Monitoring of the proposals will be presented to Scrutiny in the Outturn Reports.
Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried. All Labour Group Members voted against the recommendation:
· That the revenue and capital estimates for the year 2018/19 as attached in Appendix 1 and 2 be approved.
· That it be noted that, at its meeting on 28th February 2018, Cabinet calculated ... view the full minutes text for item 8b |
Reports of the Deputy Chief Executive |
Well-being Plan and Area Plan PDF 337 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader presented a report to ensure that members understand the challenges facing the county and the steps being taken collaboratively by public services to address these and to consider and approve the Public Service Board’s Well-being Plan ahead of publication. Council were provided with the opportunity to consider the draft regional Area Plan as required under the Social Services and Well-being Act.
County Councillor P. Jones left the meeting at 12:30
Councillor Howarth asked if it was possible that while endorsing the plan, Council agree that the EQIA is placed at the start of the document rather than the end of the report, to allow a greater understanding.
It was questioned why areas other than Caldicot, such as Chepstow, are not included in the report regarding house prices. It was confirmed the report would be changed to reflect this.
In response to questions around the mechanisms of the plan the Chief Executive explained that MCC is one statutory partner and if the process works well over the course of the next generation we should increasingly stop thinking about the Council and more about the public service family.
There were repeated concerns regarding the lack of recognition in the report around the effect of the reduction of Severn Bridge tolls.
As a member of the PSB Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Howard expressed difficulties in endorsing the area health plan in respect of previous discussions regarding dementia care in Chepstow.
Upon being put to the vote Council resolved to agree the recommendations:
That Council approve the Well-being Plan, and supporting Annex, ahead of approval by the Public Service Board.
That Council endorse the Area Plan which will become the strategic context around which future proposals on social care will be based. |
Reports of the Chief Officer, Social Care, Safeguarding, Health and Housing |
Minutes: The Cabinet Member presented a report to recommend the establishment of a regional pooled budget in relation to the exercise of care home accommodation functions (in this case care homes for older people) between Monmouthshire County Council, and other Gwent Local Authorities (Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, Caerphilly County Borough Council, Newport City Council, Torfaen County Borough Council) and Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB).
The report looked to fulfil the statutory requirement on Local Authorities and Local Health Boards within the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act (2014) (SSWBA) which takes effect from April 2018
Members were advised on progress in developing other key elements required by Welsh Government guidance in support of the pooled budget arrangements, namely common contracts and developing an integrated approach to commissioning in the Gwent region.
It was confirmed that the Intermediate Care Fund is not affected. It was a concern that the pooled fund was for older people over the age of 65, but could relate to many other areas.
Council resolved to agree the recommendations:
To approve the pooled budget arrangements for care home accommodation functions to be overseen by the Regional Partnership Board (RPB).
To approve delegated powers to the Cabinet Member for Social Care Safeguarding and Health as Monmouthshire County Council member of the RPB in the exercise of those functions, and consideration of any specific arrangements that need to be put in place to meet statutory duties at local and regional level.
To confirm the required key elements for these arrangements through development of a formal Partnership Agreement.
To confirm resource implications for the local authority in relation to the pooled budget arrangements and oversight of the pooled budget agreements by the RPB. |
Notices of motion: |
Motion from County Councillor Groucutt This council welcomes the government’s commitment to world-wide initiatives that aim to limit global warming, and its acceptance that the use of fossil fuels is a major contributory factor in rising world temperatures and carbon dioxide emissions. It notes that the Torfaen Pension Fund, which administers pension arrangements on behalf of Monmouthshire County Council, invested a percentage of its funds in companies that are based on the use of fossil fuels that was the third highest in the entire United Kingdom, and the highest in Wales, in the financial year 2016/17. The figures, according to a recent report commissioned by Friends of the Earth, showed that the Fund has investments of well over £245 million in such companies. This council calls on the Torfaen Pension Fund to start making an ordered withdrawal of such investments at the earliest opportunity.
Minutes: This council welcomes the government’s commitment to world-wide initiatives that aim to limit global warming, and its acceptance that the use of fossil fuels is a major contributory factor in rising world temperatures and carbon dioxide emissions. It notes that the Torfaen Pension Fund, which administers pension arrangements on behalf of Monmouthshire County Council, invested a percentage of its funds in companies that are based on the use of fossil fuels that was the third highest in the entire United Kingdom, and the highest in Wales, in the financial year 2016/17. The figures, according to a recent report commissioned by Friends of the Earth, showed that the Fund has investments of well over £245 million in such companies. This council calls on the Torfaen Pension Fund to start making an ordered withdrawal of such investments at the earliest opportunity.
The motion was duly seconded.
Councillor Murphy advised that a response had been received from administrators of Torfaen Pension Fund which would be circulated to Members. The statement advised that the fund welcomed the interest and did not, at the time of the survey, invest £245m, the figure was £197m. The over-statement was due to assumptions made in the compilation of the survey. Any changes to the fund would be carefully considered, and implemented in a measured and controlled way.
Councillor Feakins proposed an amendment to include “as they see fit” at the end of the motion. This became the substantive motion.
Upon being put to the vote, the substantive motion was carried:
This council welcomes the government’s commitment to world-wide initiatives that aim to limit global warming, and its acceptance that the use of fossil fuels is a major contributory factor in rising world temperatures and carbon dioxide emissions. It notes that the Torfaen Pension Fund, which administers pension arrangements on behalf of Monmouthshire County Council, invested a percentage of its funds in companies that are based on the use of fossil fuels that was the third highest in the entire United Kingdom, and the highest in Wales, in the financial year 2016/17. The figures, according to a recent report commissioned by Friends of the Earth, showed that the Fund has investments of well over £245 million in such companies. This council calls on the Torfaen Pension Fund to start making an ordered withdrawal of such investments at the earliest opportunity as they see fit.