Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 7th December, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: County Hall, Usk - Remote Attendance

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Election of a temporary Chair


We elected County Councillor P. Jordan as the temporary Chair for the Planning Committee to sit as such at meetings of the Planning Committee and Delegated Panel until such time as the permanent Chair shall be able to resume her duties.


Appointment of a temporary Vice-Chair


We elected County Councillor A. Webb as the temporary Vice-Chair for the Planning Committee to sit as such at meetings of the Planning Committee and Delegated Panel until such time as the permanent Vice-Chair shall be able to resume his duties.


Declarations of Interest


None received.


Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 179 KB


The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting dated 5th October 2021 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Proposed Revocation of Planning Permission DM/2020/00817. Land at Severn Tunnel Junction, Station Road, Caldicot for Station Car Park on Land South of Severn Tunnel Junction pdf icon PDF 196 KB


We considered the report of the application in which approval was sought to enable the Council, as the relevant Planning Authority, to make an order to revoke planning permission DM/2020/00817 for Station Car Park at Land South of Severn Tunnel Junction.


The application had been submitted to the Local Planning Authority on 24th June 2020 and made valid on the 3rd July 2020. The application had been subsequently registered and the appropriate consultation exercise had been carried out. The application had been presented to the Delegated Panel for consideration on 27th October 2021 with an officer recommendation for approval. The Delegated Panel subsequently agreed with the officer recommendation and the application was approved on the 28th October 2021 subject to conditions.


Following the issuing of the decision it had become apparent that the application had been incorrectly presented to the Delegated Panel. In line with the Council’s Constitution the application was required to be presented to Planning Committee for resolution given the Council was the applicant and there were material planning objections to the proposals.


Approval was therefore sought to serve a Revocation Order to legally revoke the decision. 


Having considered the report of the application it was proposed by County Councillor G. Howard and seconded by County Councillor M. Feakins that a revocation order be made under Section 97 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to revoke planning application DM/2020/00817 and that the application be presented and fully considered at a future Planning Committee meeting for determination.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


In favour of revocation        -           7

Against Revocation             -           0

Abstentions                           -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that a revocation order be made under Section 97 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to revoke planning application DM/2020/00817 and that the application be presented and fully considered at a future Planning Committee meeting for determination.


It was noted that a site inspection would be held before the application is presented to a future Planning Committee meeting.



FOR INFORMATION - The Planning Inspectorate - Appeals Decisions Received:


73 Park Road, Caldicot pdf icon PDF 145 KB


We received the Planning Inspectorate report which related to an appeal decision following a site visit that had been held at 73 Park Road, Caldicot          on 7th September 2021.


We noted that the appeal had been dismissed.