Venue: The Council Chamber, County Hall, Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interests made by Members. |
Public Open Forum Minutes: There were no members of the public present. |
Economies of the Future Analysis PDF 151 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Context:
Following the decision for the Cabinet Member for Enterprise to commission the ‘Economies of the Future’ analysis’ in December 2017, the Cabinet Member has invited the Select Committee to discuss the findings with a view to determining the next steps with regard to consideration of an ambition and growth plan for the County. This in turn will inform the development of the revised Economic Growth and Inward Investment Strategy for the Council. The ‘Economies of the Future’ analysis is a fundamental piece of work that will also provide evidence to support the developing Monmouthshire Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP).
Key Issues:
· The Cardiff Capital Region City Deal presents a generational opportunity for Monmouthshire to prosper and play a central role in regional economic growth.
· In order to fully take advantage of the opportunities of the City Deal, Monmouthshire would need to have a growing, vibrant, high-skilled population.
· The retail market is an extremely competitive market, with town centre high streets across the UK struggling to respond to the growth of online retailing. Stronger growth in the population could add to the surrounding catchments of Monmouthshire’s town centres, increasing the potential customer base.
· The demographic and economic characteristics, including trends in coming years, suggest risks to the Monmouthshire economy without significant intervention.
· Continuing with on-trend growth would mean that Monmouthshire would continue to lose ground compared to other economies.
· The ageing population of Monmouthshire suggests that the County is vulnerable to losing further ground as the working age population shrinks.
· As the City Deal is enacted, it is an appropriate time for Monmouthshire to consider the City Deal’s opportunities for the County and how it can be leveraged to address the structural issues that are holding back Monmouthshire’s economy.
Member Scrutiny:
· The report recognises all of the correct issues. However, concern was expressed whether the Authority has enough ambition with regard to establishing solutions for the issues identified.
· Only 3% of the County is built on. However, 80% of that 3% is located within the south of the County. Therefore, for the people living in Monmouthshire, the idea of further building in areas where the majority of the housing already exists is a concern.
· The key to further development is the housing mix. More community land trusts need to be investigated. A different priority needs to be given to how the Authority sells its assets so that priority is given to the wellbeing of future generations over capital receipts.
· Town centre sites could be investigated as possible areas to provide affordable housing.
· Concern was expressed regarding the City Deal in respect of IQE and the liability of the Authority should the share price fall.
· The future of Monmouthshire’s increasing elderly population needs to be addressed. It was considered that the existing provision is not sufficient, going forward.
· In response to the questions raised, the Leader of the Council stated that he had attended the Cardiff Capital Region Select Committee last week in which IQE and the Compound Semi-Conductor were discussed. ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Monmouthshire Replacement Local Development Plan Draft Issues, Vision and Objectives PDF 164 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Context:
To inform the Economy and Development Select Committee of consultation feedback received to date, to seek any further feedback from this Committee, and to seek the Committee’s endorsement of the Draft Issues, Vision and Objectives Paper which has been prepared in connection with the Monmouthshire Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP).
Key Issues:
· A full review of the current Monmouthshire Local Development Plan (LDP) commenced in 2017, with the final Review Report published in March 2018. Based on the evidence contained in the Review Report, it was concluded that the LDP should be revised and that this should take the form of a full revision procedure. Council resolved in May 2018 to commence work on a replacement LDP for the County (excluding the area within the Brecon Beacons National Park).
· The Replacement LDP will cover the period 2018-2033 and will be the statutory land use plan to support delivery of the Council’s vision for the future of the County and its communities. The LDP will set out land use development proposals for the County and will identify where and how much new development will take place over the replacement Plan period. It will also identify areas to be protected from development and provide policies against which future planning applications will be assessed.
· The Replacement LDP is being prepared in accordance with the Delivery Agreement (DA) which was agreed by Welsh Government in May 2018. The DA sets out the approach, timescales and consultation arrangements for the Replacement LDP. The agreed timetable will see the Replacement LDP being adopted at the end of 2021 / early 2022. Work has commenced on the Replacement LDP with the initial call for Candidate Sites and a targeted consultation on the draft Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report having recently closed.
· The Draft Paper will be updated, as appropriate, to reflect comments received from the targeted engagement. The Replacement LDP vision and objectives will continue to be refined prior to inclusion in the Preferred Strategy (Autumn 2019) to reflect the outcomes of further stakeholder engagement / consultation in relation to the growth options and a revised evidence base. The spatial element of the vision will also need to be determined following consultation on the LDP growth options and will be set out in the Preferred Strategy. The growth options and Preferred Strategy will be the subject of further engagement and political reporting, including an Economy & Development Select Committee workshop.
Member Scrutiny:
· Infrastructure prior to development taking place is not within the proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) vision.
· It was noted that the rurality and equality of life attracts people to live in Monmouthshire. This is in the previous LDP vision but not in the proposed vision. It was considered that this was a unique selling point with regard to Monmouthshire, as a County.
· A balanced approach is required with regard to future developments within the County.
· Concern was expressed within the replacement LDP vision regarding the best of the County’s built heritage countryside landscape, as it ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Confirmation of the following minutes: |
Special Meeting - Economy and Development Select Committee dated 18th December 2018 PDF 79 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Special Meeting of the Economy and Development Select Committee dated 18th December 2018 were confirmed and signed by the Vice-Chair. |
Ordinary Meeting - Economy and Development Select Committee dated 10th January 2019 PDF 82 KB Minutes: The minutes of the Economy and Development Select Committee dated 10th January 2019 were confirmed and signed by the Vice-Chair.
List of actions arising from the previous meetings PDF 43 KB Additional documents: Minutes: We noted the actions arising from the previous meetings. |
Economy and Development Select Committee Forward Work Programme PDF 234 KB Minutes: We received the Economy and Development Select Committee Forward Work Programme.
In doing so, it was agreed that a further Planning Workshop be arranged regarding design issues.
Council and Cabinet Forward Work Programme PDF 75 KB Minutes: We received the Council and Cabinet Business Forward Plan. |
Next Meeting Thursday 28th March 2019 at 10.00am. Minutes: Thursday 28th March 2019 at 10.00am. |