Issue - meetings

Test 3

Meeting: 27/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 4c)

4c Effectiveness of Council Services - 2015/16 Update pdf icon PDF 493 KB

Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: To provide Cabinet with the latest update on how the council performed in 2015/16 against a set of measures that are important when forming an opinion on the current effectiveness of council services.


Author: Richard Jones, Policy and Performance Officer; Sian Schofield, Data Analyst


Contact Details:;


That Cabinet use this report to help their continuous monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of services and the extent to which they are contributing to the council’s priorities of the education of children, support for vulnerable people, enterprise and job creation and maintaining locally accessible services.


That Cabinet use this report as an opportunity to identify any action that may need to be taken to drive improvement, ensuring that services are as effective and efficient as possible in the context of current resources.