Issue - meetings

Test 3

Meeting: 07/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 3b)

3b SRS DATA HALL MOVE pdf icon PDF 457 KB

Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: To submit for consideration the full business case for the SRS data centre and proposed data hall move from Blaenavon, replacing it initially with a move to a commercial scale purpose built data hall followed by cloud based solutions as appropriate.


Author: Peter Davies Chief Officer for Resources (acting S151 officer)


Contact Details:

Additional documents:


That Cabinet support the approach outlined in option 4 of the full business case to move to an alternative physical data centre solution.


That Next Generation Data (NGD) are agreed as being the single supplier as a result of the business case specification of requirements.


That Cabinet support the funding model predicated on equal costs of the shared infrastructure, and that recommendation is subsequently made to Council to consider the funding requirement be factored into the 2021/22 capital programme and as outlined in paragraph 7.7.