8 Monmouthshire County Council Welsh Church Act Fund Audited Accounts PDF 191 KB
Items 8 and 9 were considered together.
The report was introduced by the Finance Manager, Welsh Church Fund. No significant issues were reported.
The Wales Audit Office agreed it was a straightforward report. The draft financial statements were completed ahead of schedule and the Auditor General will award an unqualified audit report on receipt of a letter of representation.
There were no uncorrected misstatements.
Those that must be reported (between trivial (£1000 and material £20,000) were available in the report.
Questions were invited:
The Finance Manager, Central Finance, was pleased with the report and the early completion. The accounts will now be lodged with the Charities Commission as required.
County Councillor B. Strong declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest as a member of the Panel.
It was confirmed that the Welsh Church Fund follows Arlingclose investment advice.
The Committee noted and commented on the accounts and its external audit.