Issue - meetings

Motion to County Councillor J. Watkins

Meeting: 16/05/2019 - County Council (Item 9)

From County Councillor J. Watkins

Motion to Monmouthshire County Council to declare a Climate Emergency.

·         That this council will ensure it will reduce its own carbon emissions to net zero before the Welsh Government target of 2030. 

·         That this council will develop a strategy and associated costed action plans to aim to deliver these targets as soon as practicable.

·         That this council revise the Corporate plan, Well-being plan, Local development plans and other relevant plans and policies in support of above.

·         Publicise this declaration of a climate emergency to residents and businesses in the county and encourage, support and enable them to take their own actions to reduce their carbon emissions in line with a 2030 target.

·         Work with partners across the county and other councils and organisations to help develop and implement best practice methods in limiting global warming to less than 1.5 degrees C. 




County Councillor F. Taylor seconded the motion.


Members expressed support for the motion. 


·       Suggestion was made that we need to move to much greener vehicles and plant used throughout the County. 

·       When refuse vehicles are renewed we must move to electric or hybrid vehicles to reduce emissions.

·       Move to encourage employees to greener vehicles in terms of travelling for work.

·       Work with all our buildings, and MHA, to increase the efficiency of heating systems.


County Councillor Smith asked that Council recognise the drive and initiative of residents who had brought forward the Climate Seminar.


County Councillor Taylor expressed frustration around measures such as the removal of the M4 tolls, fuelling our housing crisis.  She added that to speak of reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change, and to support the building of a new M4, was a contradiction in terms.


The Leader thanked Councillor Watkins for the motions, and proposed the following amendment to the motion:


That this council will strive to reduce its own carbon emissions to net zero in line with the Welsh Government target of 2030.

That this council will develop a strategy and associated action plans to aim to deliver these targets as soon as practicable.

That this council will continue to review the Corporate Plan, Well-being plan, Local development plans and other relevant plans and policies to support the above.

Publicise this declaration of a climate emergency to residents and businesses in the county and encourage and support them to take their own actions to reduce their carbon emissions in line with a 2030 target.

Work with partners across the county and other councils and organisations to help develop and implement best practice methods in limiting global warming. 


County Councillor P. Murphy seconded the amendment.


Debate ensued.


The Leader of the Opposition opposed the amended motion stating that it diminished the emergency nature of the motion.  The Labour Group expressed support to the campaigners in attendance.


Members were keen to keep the final part of the original motion: Work with partners across the county and other councils and organisations to help develop and implement best practice methods in limiting global warming to less than 1.5 degrees c. 


Upon being put to a recorded vote the amendment was carried.


However, the Leader was content to review the amendment, and to include the last proposal as: Work with partners across the county and other councils and organisations to help develop and implement best practice methods in limiting global warming to less than 1.5 degrees C. 


Upon being put to a second recorded vote, the amended motion was carried.