Issue - decisions

Test 4

19/12/2018 - 2019 DRAFT REVENUE BUDGET PROPOSALS 2019/20

That Cabinet approves the release of the budget proposal for 2019/20 for consultation purposes.


That Cabinet approves that the consultation period and opportunity to present alternative proposals that have been assessed for Future Generations implications ends on 31st January 2019.


That Cabinet recognises a year on year cash reduction of £936k in funding that it will receive from Wales Government


That Cabinet recognises unavoidable pressures of some £5.7 million that need to be provided for within the 2019/20 budget.


That Cabinet confirms its intention to fully fund all pay related pressures insofar as they impact schools and demand pressures caused by increasing numbers of looked after children in Social Services.


That Cabinet proposes a Council Tax rise of 5.95% for financial year 2019/20.


That Cabinet recognises that the budget proposal remains un-balanced at this stage. There is a remaining savings gap of £594k to address.


An additional recommendation:


That Officers further develop and consult on the Future Generations Evaluation that accompanies the budget proposals to ensure that it clearly identifies the impact of budget proposals on groups of people with protected characteristics as defined by the Equalities Act alongside the ways of working and well-being goals described in the Well-being of Future Generations Act.