Agenda item

Summary Revenue Budget Proposals 2019/20




The backing main report is being shared with all Select Committee members so that they can understand the holistic budget position being considered by Cabinet. The holistic nature of that report recognises that savings proposals should not be viewed in isolation, and may be necessary to allow other service priorities to be maintained.


Subsequent to the consultation process and feedback from individual Select Committees and other representative groups on particular proposals, the resulting report will be provided to full Council in its consideration of settling a balanced budget for 2019/20.


This abridged report seeks to ensure that all proposals have a designated scrutiny oversight.


Key Issues:


It is recommended that the Select Committee considers specifically the table of pressure and savings identified in the report, with a view to providing pertinent feedback on the adoption or otherwise of such by full Council in its subsequent consideration.


Member Scrutiny:


The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member, Resources and the Assistant Head of Finance/Deputy Section 151 Officer.  Questions and comments were invited as follows:


·         A Member raised the concerns of the Monmouth and District Chamber of Commerce regarding increased car parking charges.  It was suggested that reduction in usage should be measured and mitigating action taken if necessary to maintain footfall in our towns.  The Head of Operations clarified that usage information for each car park with a pay machine can be provided to Members.  The Head of Operations explained that the reasons for the decline in high street shopping are complex, related not only to car parking but to the broader high street retail offer in the town.  The Cabinet Member added that information on vacancy patterns and general usage is being collected to feed into the decision making process.  The Head of Operations reminded the Select Committee that when car parks were last reviewed, a decision was taken that each town would have one free car park.


·         A Member shared a preference for 2-3 hours free parking in Usk (or minimal charge with those wishing to stay longer charged more).  In response to a query, it was confirmed that the newly installed machines accept contactless, card and cash payment.  The Head of Operations informed the Select Committee that car parking in Usk will be part of a broader review of Usk that will include the retail office and public realm.


·         A Member asked how the money from car parking can be spent, and a fuller report was requested.  It was questioned if available space is sought for parking, referring specifically to Severn Tunnel Junction.  It was requested that the money from the joint partnership with Rogiet Community Council is forwarded.  It was also asked if the need for restricted parking on Station Road at the junction of Caldicot Road can be addressed to limit commuter parking. The Head of Operations confirmed that the funding can only be used to pay back investment into car parking, public transport and traffic management.  Considering Severn Tunnel Junction, it was confirmed that the £100,000 is to provide a basic car park but a bid for substantial funding has been made to provide a park and ride car park.  The Head of Operations will follow up the query about funding due to Rogiet Community Council.  Regarding Station Road, it was agreed that some work is required.


·         A Select Committee Member asked if there had been any feedback about car parking charges for Blue Badge holders. The Cabinet Member, Resources reported that there was some disquiet from carers and disabled people.  Comments received will be considered in final proposals.


·         A Member commented that some supermarkets provide free parking for 1½ -2 hours and asked if there was a possibility that everyone could have a free first hour.  A Member advocated the same policy for the whole county and at least two hours free was suggested as a practical option.


·         A question was asked about the viability of services at all household waste transfer stations where there are various day closures. A study has been requested on future feasibility.  It was agreed that two sites need more investment.  Regarding reducing opening times, it was explained that it is more cost effective to close for two days per week than to reduce opening hours each day.


·           Concern has been expressed about the Mitchel Troy site closing on Thursdays and Fridays as there could be overuse on Saturday and Sunday with consequent congestion on the road between Trellech and Monmouth.  It was suggested that the days of closure could be switched with Usk and responded that this could be an option. Assurance was provided that sites are available every day.


·           A Member supported Usk household waste transfer station remaining open and long term moving away from the car park on health and safety grounds.  It was responded that potential alternative sites for Usk and Monmouthshire have been considered.


·           Related to site closures, a Member commented that black bag usage and fly tipping could increase.  It was suggested that contactless charging could be introduced for out of county, non-permit holding users instead of the need to handle cash.  Additionally, a Member suggested providing a visible sign to be hung from a vehicle rear view mirror to indicate Monmouthshire residence.


·           The Head of Operations agreed that increases in black bag usage and fly tipping will be monitored.  The feasibility of contactless payment and a hanging permit can be considered for future schemes.  More information on potential timescales will be provided outside the meeting.


·         A Member questioned why there is no collaboration with neighbouring authorities, specifically, Newport City Council.  The Cabinet Member, Resources informed the Select Committee that there has been communication but no outcome to report currently.


·         A question was asked about the potential loss of a grass cutting contract with a housing association, and consequent effect on staffing.  It was confirmed that a very cost effective bid has been submitted and the outcome will be reported to Members when the contract is awarded.


Committee’s Conclusion:


The Chair thanked the Head of Operations for his attendance.









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