Agenda item


Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: To set out progress to date on the establishment of the ADM for Tourism, Leisure, Culture and Youth services further to Cabinet approval on 29 January 2018 and to describe the process stages that require completion ahead of final Council approval, setting out the opportunities for informing, shaping and developing the arrangements and agreements – ahead of enactment of the model.


Author: Peter Davies, Chief Officer, Resources; Cath Fallon, Head of Enterprise and Community Development


Contact Details:;




To establish the ‘lead’ Council team and identify the resources required to support the process e.g. legal advice, etc.

To approve funding of £30,000 for Council’s costs from the priority investment reserve to support the process for the Council.


To establish the interim ADM Lead Team.


To note the current draft Heads of Terms agreement as an illustration of the

‘Management Agreement’ and approve the development of the additional documents required to underpin the process and continue the development of the necessary agreements e.g. Draft Articles of Association for Teckal and Charity, Governance and Membership of Teckal and Charity Boards etc.


To enact Shadow Company Boards recruitment and operation in line with Audit Committee governance recommendations. Shadow structures to remain internal advisory bodies until such time as the Council approves the decision to enact company operation.


To approve the submission of legal incorporation documents in order to secure trading names, website, domains, etc. Companies to be established as shell companies at this stage and will therefore will remain dormant until such time that the Council makes the decision to enact company operation.


To prescribe the ADM as an ‘admitted body’ to the Gwent Pension Scheme.


To agree to commence the TUPE consultation for staff during the summer recess. The process will continue until the enactment of the companies.

Supporting documents: