Agenda item

Rail station progress - Abergavenny, Chepstow, Magor (GRIP3 progress) and Severn Tunnel Junction


An update was provided that a Local Transport Plan proposal is to buy land to build interchanges at Abergavenny and Chepstow stations. Funding is secured for the purchase of the land but not yet for the detailed design stage.


A Member asked to see details of proposals for the Abergavenny interchange.  It was explained that previous studies in 2006 and 2011 have been accepted by Welsh Government as the basis for a case and sufficient to award the funding.  The next stage is to carry out consultation on the proposals, following discussions with the franchise winner.


Regarding the pedestrian footbridge at Abergavenny Station, a meeting was held between Network Rail and the Town Council at which it was implied there were no difficulties in preparing a scheme to amend the signalling to remove obstruction to the construction of a new bridge.  The message from the meeting was that the Town Council should lobby the County Council to find out who would pay for the study to get the bridge into the programme. It was emphasised that this is a significant local problem.


In terms of Severn Tunnel Junction, a regional Local Transport Fund grant has been available across the region to develop Metro related schemes and this was used last year to progress car parking on the south side and the same is hoped for this year. It is hoped to have planning permission and to proceed to tender this year.


It was raised that car parking at stations is a significant problem across the region and it was queried what would happen to the toll plaza after the removal of the Severn Bridge tolls and if it could be used as a park and ride/park and rail facility for east of Cardiff and Newport and it was agreed that question should be asked of the appropriate body.


It was confirmed that it is a priority to establish park and ride facilities at Severn Tunnel Junction and Abergavenny stations.  It was queried if there is an opportunity to access a funding stream to resolve poor air quality on the M4 in the Chepstow area.  The importance of integrated transport routes was emphasised and that we must be well prepared.


A Member asked if there had been any progress in Chepstow to build some parking as part of the Mabey Bridge development, noting that Network Rail have electrical signalling equipment there and questioning if they have been asked to move it.


Paul Turner provided an update on Magor station and reported that there had been a visit from officers from the Future Generations Wales Commission.  They were impressed with the work so far as it is in line with the Active Travel Act, with sustainability priorities and were interested in examples where third sector can get involved on such projects.


Mott McDonalds office was visited in February as progress on GRIP 3 had stalled but this has moved on.  A meeting was held in March with the Head of Operations and the Transport Policy and Planning Officer to consider Active Travel implications for the proposed station and it was agreed that a proper study would be commissioned.


Additionally, in March there was a visit from James Price, Transport for Wales, to better familiarise himself with the site and proposals.  If the GRIP 3 is completed, money secured from the New Station Fund, and approval from Welsh Government received then Transport for Wales will take over the project delivery.


Updates were also provided that:


·         Glyn Smith, Sustrans, visited in March and there is agreement to continue to work together.

·         The Group’s response to the Cardiff City Region transport strategy has been submitted.

·         The Group assisted Jessica Morden MP with preparation for a question to the Minister.

·         In April, as part of GRIP 3, a draft option report has been received as well as a draft strategic business case.

·         There was an end of day debate arranged by Jessica Morden MP, in parliament on Monday this week to which the Transport Minister responded positively.

·         It was confirmed that the transport assessment for the community centre has been received.