Agenda item



We considered the report of the application, and late correspondence, which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions as outlined in the report and subject to a legal agreement to ensure that the dwellings are for affordable housing provision in perpetuity.


Having spoken with the developer, Monmouthshire Housing Association, it was recommended that a condition be added that the developer works with local residents to ensure that the correct retaining wall and boundary development is put in place.


Monmouthshire Housing Association was looking for some of the conditions to be amended to allow commencement of the development to begin earlier via a phased process. If the application were approved then the application would be referred to the Delegation Panel to approve the amended conditions.


The local Member for Dewstow, attending the meeting by invitation of the Chair, outlined the following points:


·         The local Member supports the development.


·         Late correspondence regarding the water run-off has been received. Concern was expressed regarding the permeability of the ground and a request was made for the drainage system to be looked at again.


·         There is a sump drain in nearby gardens.  There is already drainage in place within the site which could be utilised as a drainage system.  This would avoid run-off from the development area onto Elm Road.


Having received the report of the application and the views expressed by the local Member, the following points were noted:


·         Some Members expressed their support for the application, as it provides much needed affordable housing to the area.


·         The development will enhance the area in comparison to what currently exists on this site.


·         Concern was expressed regarding the drainage issues that had been identified. In response to a question raised regarding preventing surface water from joining the sewage system, it was noted that Welsh Water operates a standard requirement that surface water cannot be directed into the sewer system but has to be directed into an alternative drainage system.


·         Parking provision could be increased. However, it was noted that the removal of two of the units from six to four had helped in providing a wider access and had improved parking provision to a degree.


·         The design of the proposed dwellings is subjective, in that some Members expressed their support for the innovative design.  However, other Members expressed concern that the design was inappropriate and might not age well.


·         Concern was expressed regarding the metal roofing.  It was noted that the roof had been discussed with the developer.  Monmouthshire Housing Association were aiming to create a modern contemporary design that was cost effective.  This matter had been robustly investigated with regard to its sustainability.


·         The proposed dwellings have been positioned and designed to be energy efficient and sustainable and to help insulate the buildings.  In time, the developer will be looking to place solar panels onto the dwellings, subject to planning consent.


·         The noise of the metal roof and insulation of the building has been raised with the developer.  It was noted that the insulation provided within the properties will help in reducing any noise levels generated via the roofs.


·         There is a condition relating to surface water for a detailed surface water management plan to be implemented. 


·         The current surface at the site is impermeable (900sq.m).  approval of the application will reduce the surface by two thirds (300sq.m).  Therefore, permeability of the site will be increased.  The landscaping of the site will aid in the permeability of the site and the guttering on the proposed dwellings will take water run off to a soakaway that will be approved by Building Control.


·         Foul sewerage provision will be a matter for the developer to liaise with Welsh Water to address this matter.


It was proposed by County Councillor R.J. Higginson and seconded by County Councillor A. Davies that application DM/2018/00380 be approved subject to the conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to a section 106 legal agreement to ensure that the dwellings are for affordable housing provision in perpetuity.


As Monmouthshire Housing Association was looking for some of the conditions to be amended to allow commencement of the development to begin earlier via a phased process, the application will be referred to the Delegation Panel to approve the amended conditions.


For approval              -           10

Against approval      -           1

Abstentions               -           2


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DM/2018/00380 be approved subject to the conditions, as outlined in the report and subject to a section 106 legal agreement to ensure that the dwellings are for affordable housing provision in perpetuity.


As Monmouthshire Housing Association was looking for some of the conditions to be amended to allow commencement of the development to begin earlier via a phased process, the application will be referred to the Delegation Panel to approve the amended conditions.









Supporting documents: