Agenda item

Local Development Plan


The Cabinet Member presented the report to seek Council’s approval to commence work on a new planning policy framework to shape and grow the future of our County and its role in the region, in line with the Council’s purpose of building sustainable and resilient communities.  Specifically, Council approval is sought to commence work on a new Local Development Plan (LDP) for Monmouthshire, to endorse the draft Delivery Agreement including Community Involvement Scheme for four week targeted consultation, and to agree to be part of the South East Wales Strategic Development Plan (SDP).


Councillor Batrouni advised that the Labour Group support the full review, adding that it reflected the failure of this Council to meet the housing needs of Monmouthshire.  He added that the review failed to take into consideration the removal of the Severn Bridge Tolls, and population growth.


The Cabinet Member responded that proposed strategic sites had not come forward as anticipated.


It was expressed that a wider consultation was necessary, extending to the public and to include Gloucester area.


Officers explained that in terms of the current plan, the review self-reflected on why sites had not come forward.  There are complex reasons behind this but sites are making progress to come forward. In terms of projections, the review report covered other aspects that need to be looked at, including the tolls.  If the review is approved by Council, a starting point would be to look at options for growth.  In terms of consultation officers were looking to engage with as many groups as possible.


Some Members suggested a short review may be a better option.  It was explained that should this be the case we would still have to align with the National Development Framework and would take our current plan to 2030.  The short term plan would not overcome immediate challenges.


Cabinet Member for Social Justice drew attention to the Community Involvement Strategy and the comprehensive approach we will be taking to engage with communities.  It specifically mentions hard to reach groups.  She urged that individual Councillors come forward with suggestions on how to facilitate the process.


A cross party steering group was recommended to address infrastructure objectives.


The Leader urged that we need to take control of our own destiny and did not agree with working collaboratively on an LDP with other authorities.


County Councillor A. Webb left the meeting at 15:00pm


In response to a question we heard the average house price in Monmouthshire is now the highest in Wales as a whole at £307,000, which compares to a Wales average of £186,000. 


County Councillor F. Taylor left the meeting at 15:25pm.


The Cabinet Member concluded the discussion stating this LDP is the tool to help with the demographic problem.  He was pleased with the cross party engagement and wanted to take on board Member engagement across the process.


Upon being put to vote Council resolved to agree the recommendations:


That Council endorses the Review Report for submission to the Welsh Government.


That Council approves the commencement of a full revision to its Local Development Plan, which would result in a brand new LDP for Monmouthshire for the period up to 2033.


That Council endorses the draft Delivery Agreement including Community Involvement Scheme for the new LDP for a four week targeted consultation.


That Council formally resolves to be part of the South East Wales Strategic Development Plan.

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