Agenda item

Annual Improvement Report 2016-17


A Wales Audit Officer noted that this item was a summary of the work of WAO and other regulators over a year, and previously supplied with responses from the Council, to provide an overall statement on how likely it is that the Council will meet its statutory requirements.


It was concluded that the opinion of WAO is that the Council is likely to meet its statutory requirements for continuous improvement provided it responds constructively and in a timely manner to statutory recommendations.


The proposals for improvement have been supplied to authority as well as a report regarding the safeguarding arrangements for the Kerbcraft scheme, a summary of work undertaken in the Council, the summary annual audit letter from last year and national reports and recommendations to local government.


It was responded that the Committee has seen the content of the report in detail individually and received information on how the Council has responded to issues.  Twice a year the Committee receives a report of progress against improvement recommendations covering all of the activity in report.  More audit work proceeds through 2017/18 and there will be new reports later in the year that will have responses. Such reports provide the opportunity to consider the effectiveness of arrangements for improvement.


It was confirmed that the report is published on the WAO website.  The Auditor General’s letter is presented to Council.


Following presentation of the report, questions were invited:


It was noted that WAO commented that the Constitution was not up to date particularly the Senior Leadership Team.  Wales Audit Officers stated the expectation that the Constitution should be a live document to ensure clear accountability.  On behalf of the Council, it was responded that Constitution amendments must be endorsed by County Council and it was accepted that where senior management changes have occurred, it must be kept up to date to ensure clear lines of delegation.


A Member queried progress with the three Kerbcraft scheme recommendations. It was explained that there is a sliding scale of recommendations.  Statutory recommendations were issued for Kerbcraft and consequently warranted the attention of full Council.  Council has considered the recommendations and consequent actions accepting that this was a very serious issue involving systems.  Whereas no child was harmed the systems presented a risk to children.


The Chair asked Officers to consider reporting all such recommendations and action to Audit Committee for information, as the Kerbcraft matter had not previously been brought to Audit Committee’s attention.  The Committee received information that a preliminary internal review was undertaken by the service area and a secondary review by the Internal Audit Team is in progress.  When concluded, recommendations will be made and actions taken accordingly.  It was explained that the report wouldn’t normally come to Audit Committee but to senior management.  Senior management can report back to Committee to provide assurance that matters have been adequately addressed.


A Member queried if the council is confident that it can respond to all the recommendations.  It was responded that everything highlighted is analysed and responses made according to availability of resources whilst prioritising front line services.  It was added that Committee members have opportunity to comment on and to challenge responses, if not considered adequate.


A Member observed that there was no reference to single member decisions in the Constitution and requested that this point is checked.  Assurance was provided that the Constitution is fit for purpose and that single member decision is implied rather than explicitly referred to.  Wales Audit Officers stated that there is a variety of approaches across Wales and commented that it would be expected that there would be some reference to single member decision to clarify levels of decision - making. 


It was noted that the Committee had considered the report.

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