Agenda item

Progress Report on WAO Recommendations on Kerbcraft




Prior to submission to Cabinet, to provide Strong Communities Select Committee members with an update on the action plan approved by Council on the 20th March 2017.


Key Issues:


1. Following a review by Wales Audit Office (WAO) of the provision of kerbcraft training by MCC staff on behalf of Welsh Government an action plan was reported to Council in March 2017.


2. Appendix 1 replicates the action plan but in italics under relevant headings an update is provided.


3. One of the actions requires the preparation and implementation of new procedures for the provision of kerbcraft training and that the future operating model be reported to Cabinet. This report offers Strong Community Select Committee members the opportunity to review the report before it is presented to Cabinet.


4. During March and April officers reviewed previous and current working arrangements and developed a new procedure for the provision for kerbcraft training.


5. The new policy and working procedures are provided in appendices 2,3 and 4. However the following points are brought to members’ attention.


6. A major weakness highlighted by WAO was the control and recording of volunteers that supported MCC in the training of children at each school.


7. Since WAO expressed concern over the management of volunteers in August 2016 none has been used and all kerbcraft training has been provided by MCC kerbcraft trainers occasionally with assistance from school support staff.


8. The new procedure limits the use of volunteers to six at any one time so the checking and recording of safeguarding information relating to the volunteers becomes much more straightforward (previously records for up to 80 volunteers were required).


9. This change in procedure along with clear instructions on how the scheme

is to be delivered will offer greater confidence that safeguarding is controlled in the provision of this service.



Member Scrutiny:


A Member praised the quick action taken by MCC officers and commended the policy as one which will improve MCC’s quality and standards.


Members sought clarity on the current position of the scheme and we were told that at present the scheme is being run with paid officers (one full time and two part time) and the use of volunteers suspended.


Officers were told that feedback Members had received on the scheme had been entirely positive.


A Member raised the fact that in their report the Wales Audit Office felt that they had been misled and sought reassurance that this has been investigated and resolved.


In terms of delivery Members sought clarification on service provision and we were advised that in addition to the permanent officers there will be a team of six volunteers who will travel throughout the County delivering the training.




Committee’s Conclusion:


The Chair stressed the importance of safeguarding children and young people and appreciated the progress made against various arrangements within the action plan reported to Council on the 20th March 2017.



The new policy and procedure checklist for the provision of kerbcraft training was scrutinised and found to be a vast improvement. The Members of the Committee were happy to recommend this progress report to Cabinet.





Supporting documents: