Agenda item

Safeguarding Progress Report


Key Issues

      i.        A Safeguarding Strategy and Activity Programme was endorsed by the Cabinet and approved by the Council in July 2016. This include a Strategy to steer the Safeguarding policy, changes to the WASCG terms reference and membership to ensure senior accountability and for whole authority safeguarding, and a programme of safeguarding activity supported by a

            measures scorecard.


     ii.        These have provided direction to drive safeguarding standards and activity.

            WASCG has reviewed the original 19 sections of the activity programme into

            five clear priorities to better articulate and focus the programme. This report

            recommends that Cabinet members endorse this renewed programme to

            support clarity of safeguarding priorities and to facilitate future measurement

            and reporting.


            The five priorities are:

                                      i.        Good governance

                                     ii.        A safe workforce

                                    iii.        A preventative approach

                                   iv.        Robust protection

                                    v.        Safe services – delivered through commissioning arrangements, grants, partnerships and volunteering.


            3. These priorities are used to report on the progress against the programme

            agreed by Council.


            4. A revised safeguarding policy will be presented to the Council in early

            2017/18 and subsequent reports on whole authority safeguarding will be

            brought at mid and end of financial / reporting year in line with other Council




That members:

      i.        Note the progress and challenge the self-assessment of the Whole Authority

            Safeguarding Co-ordinating Group (WASCG);


     ii.        Support the intention to focus the safeguarding programme approved by the

            Council in July 2016 against five key priority areas.


Member Scrutiny:


A Member asked for details of the Whole Authority Safeguarding Co-ordinating Group and was informed that the Group is chaired by the Chief Officer, Social Care, Health and Housing and membership includes colleagues from each Directorate at Chief Officer or Head of Service level.  Its aim is to monitor the Whole Authority Plan and to ensure accountability for what happens regarding safeguarding in each Directorate.  Some other members of the group include Officers with responsibility for developing volunteering and colleagues from the Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Unit.  It was further queried why there were no elected member on the group and responded that such inclusion could be considered when the new Council is in place. 


The Cabinet Member, Social Care, Safeguarding and Health recalled that he had initially attended the Group meetings, and reported after some time the focus became more operational and therefore it was less appropriate as a Cabinet Member role.  However, he agreed that membership of an elected member could provide a wider perspective at this time.


A Member referred to the Appendix and a statement that “Directorates are at different developmental levels in fully integrating safeguarding into operational activity e.g. Kerbcraft” and questioned what can be done to accelerate the developmental progress in some Directorates commenting that it was disappointing to hear of the gap that had been exposed regarding Kerbcraft.  He questioned how to ensure a consistent approach.  In response it was accepted that there had been a failure in processes and that there is a role for the Whole Authority Safeguarding Co-Ordinating Group to drive through quality assurance processes within a clear governance framework.  Development of the “Safe as a Consequence” tool relies on sound self-assessment, which depends on a good understanding by everyone to be effective.  It was explained that the Safeguarding Unit will work to ensure that service areas develop their understanding to sustainably and comprehensively improve the standard of self-assessments.  


A Member asked what range of mechanisms were available to ensure that sports clubs using council premises meet safeguarding standards.    It was explained that there is a checklist to ensure that the club has e.g. child protection policy and an identified child protection lead.  It was assured that there is a robust approach to safeguarding within Tourism, Leisure and Culture.   A further question was asked concerning how bookings are dealt with regard to implementation of the checklist and it was suggested that the Head of Tourism, Leisure and Culture could provide a written response to provide more details.


A Member drew attention to the fact that a large amount of training has been carried out with the Licensing Department and that point should be included in subsequent reports.  It was agreed that it would be helpful to provide practical examples for the new council when elected to demonstrate how safeguarding mechanisms are applied.


A question was asked regarding who is the responsible person for sports facilities outside leisure centres.  It was explained that, if it is school premises, Headteachers should assure themselves that whoever is using the premises is safe and suitable, and that the right systems are in place.  It was added that how well this approach is embedded needs to be explored across the council. 


Text Box: Chair’s Comments: The Chair reported the opinion of the Committee that an elected member joins the Whole Authority Safeguarding Co-ordinating Group. The Chair accepted the offer for the Committee to be provided with examples to illustrate how systems are implemented. The recommendations were accepted as presented. Officers were thanked for their attendance at the meeting. The Cabinet Member suggested that new elected members should undertake Level 1 safeguarding training.


Supporting documents: