a) Severn Tunnel Junction
b) Magor
c) Abergavenny
d) Chepstow
Severn Tunnel Junction
· Survey to be undertaken the day following this meeting, hoping to get useful feedback.
· Expressed thanks to the MCC for the support received.
· Regarding parking, next week would lose 15 spaces at station as the work continues on the overflow car park.
· Regarding the overflow car park, the ramp has been tarmacked and work continues.
· Passenger footbridge due for completion mid May.
· Unsure of completion date for ticket office.
· Bus shelter remains but in need of repair.
· Meeting 3rd June with GWR to discuss timetabling, amongst other items.
The Chair was pleased to note that we had received a contribution from GWR of £20,000
A Member suggested looking at space at Caerwent Bay to help address the car park problems. The Passenger Transport Manager stated that it would be advisable to call a meeting with GWR to discuss further.
It was questioned if Highways Agency had been consulted on potentially not closing the M48 bridge. This would be followed up.
Severn Tunnel Junction would be closed on Whitsun bank holiday weekend. GWR were proposing to run a bus service.
The importance of communicating any disruption to the public was highlighted.
Since the last meeting £50,000 funding had been received to progress work on the Grip 1 and 2 studies. Grip 1 had been completed and was favourable. Grip 2 draft version was only received the previous day, but seemed favourable and identified 3 options, of which one was preferred. Before Grip 3 need to consult with Network Rail and Mott McDonald to ensure the detail of the report was fully understood. The following were to be done before moving to a Grip 3 study:
· Review impact of stopping services at Magor with Undy
· Review local demand for the service.
· Initial business case put together linking with WG
The Transport Planning and Policy Officer explained that the WG had appointed consultants to support in developing engineering options.
The Chair noted the new opportunities for infrastructure and communication with the introduction of City Deal.
With regards to the bridge there was a design in place, and it was questioned if anything could be done to progress the moving of the signal to get the new disability bridge in place. Members were very disappointed that the issue had been going on for over a decade and was still unresolved.
The Passenger Transport Manager explained that he had spoken to representatives at Network Rail and DfT regarding the bridge and the funding was on the funding list but had been moved to the next tranch of funding due to having to spend more money on the Severn Tunnel bridge. The funding had been moved to 2017-2018.
We heard there was a staffing issue at Abergavenny Station, which did not help the situation.
There were no new issues but reflecting on the issues raised at Abergavenny Station, it was noted that disability access was an issue for all stations. It was suggested that as a group we needed to look at with a wider perspective.
We heard that a structurally weak bridge was to be removed which may be an ideal time to look at a new bridge.
The Access 4 All issues should be brought up with DfT and Network Rail.
We were advised by the Head of Operations that a car park order was currently out for consultation, and would feedback on feasibility. Until the order is approved there was no more that could be done at present.