Agenda item


Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: On the 11th October, Cabinet agreed that the new base for the My Day My Life service in Monmouth will be the Overmonnow Family Learning Centre.

The decision about a base for My Day My Life in Abergavenny was deferred to allow further engagement with interested community-based groups and further consideration of the options.

This report presents the findings of the final options appraisal for the proposed future My Day, My Life bases in Abergavenny, and to seek approval of the recommended base. 


Author: Jane Rodgers, Chief Officer Social Care & Health


Contact Details:


That Cabinet considers the findings of the options appraisal and the recommendations set out in the My Day, My Life Future Bases Final Options Appraisal report, and agreed the following recommendations:


(i)               As per the options appraisal and consultation that has already been undertaken the Melville Centre for the Arts will be the long-term base for MDML and we will now proceed to make this building more accessible and suitable. Whilst this work is being undertaken the MDML service is also able to use the Wellbeing Centre in Abergavenny.


(ii)              That support will be provided to interested groups to assist them in developing their proposals for providing community-based support for a range of people in Abergavenny. Support will include being able to use the Wellbeing Centre in Abergavenny as a base for their current activities and meetings; and advice about the developing business proposals.


(iii)            That the decision regarding Tudor Street building is deferred until the end of this financial year. This will allow any interested groups that might be interested in the building the opportunity to come forward with their proposals.


(iv)            That a review of community-based support for people with learning disabilities in Monmouthshire is undertaken.

Supporting documents: