Agenda item

Application DM/2019/02012 - Proposed development of 24 no. extra care units (Class C2 Use), access and car parking, landscaping, boundary treatments and means of enclosure. Land To South Of Brewers Fayre Restaurant, Iberis Road, Llanfoist


We received the report of the application and late correspondence which was presented for refusal for one reason outlined in the report.


Mr. M. Gray, representing the applicant’s agent, had prepared an audio recording which was presented to Planning Committee and the following points were outlined:


·         Approval of the application would bring significant benefits to the locality providing 24 extra care units to be occupied by people over the age of 55. Research has identified that there is a critical need for this type of accommodation in Monmouthshire.


·         20 new jobs will be created directly linked to the proposal with significant further benefits for the supply chain.


·         The expansion of the operation of Fox Hunters Care Home, a scheme in which the residents of Llanfoist have expressed support for both during the public consultation event in November 2019 and as evidenced by the number of significant letters of support for the application.


·         The recommendation for refusal is made on the grounds of non-compliance with the allocation of the site for the purposes of Class B uses in the Local Development Plan (LDP).


·         All other matters have been responded to positively by statutory consultees.


·         At the point of adoption of the LDP in 2014, the wider West Gate site was allocated for Class B purposes.


·         There has been a material change in circumstances in respect of the format and use class of each approved development at the wider West Gate site.


·         Consents on neighbouring sites have allowed for a hotel, two drive throughs, a pub restaurant and a care home. None of these would be classified as Class B use.


·         In respect of potential uses for the site in accordance with its allocation, the comments from the Policy Department in the report acknowledges that an industrial use may no longer be suitable in terms of noise, working hours, traffic mix and associated movements of HGVs.


·         The Covid-19 health crisis has had a direct impact on the property market in respect of the occupation of Class B floor space and planned construction projects.


·         The Bank of England has predicted that the UK could face its deepest recession in over 200 years.  It is therefore suggested that the proposed use of the site for the purposes of 24 extra care units owned and operated by the adjacent Fox Hunter Car Home represents a sensible use of the site.  The proposed development will complement the existing care home in addition to providing high quality bungalow accommodation for those over 55.


·         There is a critical need for additional extra care accommodation within Monmouthshire.  Research undertaken has identified a substantial unmet need and major shortfall for extra care units within Monmouthshire. Researchers had identified a shortfall in supply of 397 units which is only likely to increase as time goes on. Whilst the proposed development will not comprehensively satisfy this requirement, it will make a vital contribution to the provision of such accommodation within Monmouthshire.


·         To refuse the application would represent a significant missed opportunity to the detriment of local residents, prospective tenants of the accommodation and send a negative signal to operators who may seek to develop similar accommodation on alternative sites within the Council area.


·         The applicant’s agent asked that the Planning Committee considers approval of the application.


The local Member for Llanfoist, also a Planning Committee Member, outlined the following points:


·         In this case the land to which Policy E1 applies is an area between the A465 to the north east, the Persimmon housing development to the south west, the waste transfer site to the south east and West Gate to the north west.


·         The vast majority of this land parcel has been developed for non B Class uses all granted by Planning Committee on the basis of Planning officer recommendations for approval. A minor part of this site has been left.


·         The local Member quoted from the December 2016 Planning Committee report for the Fox Hunter application. In doing so, given the economic position that we are currently in, the position has improved to the point where those considerations of 2016 are no longer valid.


·         Looking at the land proposed to be retained for employment purposes, it was considered that by the time parts have been reserved for employee and visitor parking, circulation space for deliveries and HGVs, there will not be much space left to construct any units.


·         The site would not be very attractive for the potential B Class users as it is now constrained and offers little flexibility or opportunity for expansion.


·         The sensitivity of the surrounding residential land uses is a large factor and where limits and operating times and the potential for noise and pollution complaints could arise. It was considered that Policy E1 is of little material weight.  The site or premises is no longer suitable or well located for employment use. Also, there will be substantial amenity benefits in allowing alternative forms of development at the site.


·         No B Class use has come forward for the site.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, the following points were noted:


·         Approval of the application would allow for a better use of the land rather than the various Class B uses.


·         The Covid-19 pandemic has altered the need for Class B development.


·         Monmouthshire has a growing elderly population and there is a need to provide appropriate accommodation for our elderly people.


·         No Class B planning applications have come forward to develop this area of land.


·         There is a national demand for bungalows.


·         The site has been allocated for B1 and B2 use.  However, the site is located close to existing housing.  In terms of office accommodation, since the Covid-19 pandemic, more people are working at home.  Therefore, office space is no longer needed as much as pre- Covid-19.


·         Town centres could be used to provide office accommodation with flats above these premises.


·         Approval of the application would be an asset to the area.


The Head of Planning responded as follows:


·         The Local Development Plan (LDP) process provides for the allocation of land for different types of uses.


·         The LDP is not just about providing houses but also about creating jobs within the County.


·         It is necessary to maintain this type of land use in the longer term to ensure that the creation of jobs can happen.


·         The proposed application does not provide an appropriate level of jobs which would be considered acceptable in terms of the LDP.


·         There is demand for small units within Abergavenny.  The Business Insight Manager has provided comments regarding this application outlining that there is demand.


·         Preserving the land allocations to create sustainable settlements with job opportunities is critical.


It was proposed by County Councillor G. Howard and seconded by County Councillor M. Powell that we be minded to approve application DM/2019/02012 and that it be re-presented to a future Planning Committee meeting for approval with appropriate conditions.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


For approval             -           11

Against approval      -           1

Abstentions               -           0


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that we be minded to approve application DM/2019/02012 and that it be re-presented to a future Planning Committee meeting for approval with appropriate conditions.




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