Agenda item

Application DM/2019/00351 - Change of use to incorporate mixed use of self catering/serviced accommodation and use as an events and wedding venue. Woodbank, Glen Usk Road, Llanhennock, Monmouthshire


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was

recommended for approval subject to the ten conditions as outlined in the report.


Councillor I. Williams, representing Llanhennock Community Council, attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:


·         The Community Council has concerns regarding the recommendation outlined in the report and consider it to be unsound.


·         The existing operation is for a private holiday let for up to 20 guests. This is changing into a wedding venue for up to 100 guests.  This is a significant increase in numbers which will exacerbate noise levels.


·         The main issues are proposed developments and highways considerations. Policies MV1 and Policy EP1 and amenity and Environment Protection.


·         With regard to the highways in the area, many are single track roads located within the countryside and are not easily navigable. Means of access is therefore a significant issue.  There are no proposals being put forward to amend the existing access.  The current access does not accord with the current design standards.


·         Visibility is below current standards for rural roads subject to a national speed limit. Visibility to the left is only 13 metres.  The number of additional vehicles accessing this road will exacerbate road safety concerns.


·         Local residents have expressed concern regarding the noise being generated.  This will be exacerbated if the application is approved. Excessive noise cannot be enforceable via conditions. Therefore, the Community Council considers that the application should be refused.


Caroline Thomas, representing objectors to the application, attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:


·         The community of Llanhennock strongly objects to the application.


·         The two major concerns are road safety and noise levels.


·         Llanhennock is a small rural village with narrow and largely single track lanes.  There are numerous blind spots and limited places to pass, which to drivers unfamiliar with the area could present a dangerous situation.


·         There are seven farms along Woodbank whereby livestock, tractors and machinery are regularly moved from one field to another.  The report of the application identifies that the lane is substandard and the access is inadequate.  Despite this, the Highways department has supported the proposal.  However, residents are concerned that drivers who are unfamiliar with the blind spots and passing places will create an unsafe area to drive and have a negative implication on the road safety for the area.


·         Woodbank is in close proximity to a number of residential properties. With 20 guests, excessive noise has been experienced by local residents in the past. Currently, the conditions proposed allow for events to run from 8.00am to 1.30am seven days per week with the option to apply for permission to erect marquees or other temporary structures within the grounds catering for up to 100 guests per event. The Environmental Health Department had indicated that there was potential for music levels to be generated at the proposed location which could cause substantial disturbance to residents living in the locality and had therefore objected to the application. However, this had been revoked when the noise report commissioned by the applicant was submitted.


·         However, the noise report had been based on the change of use with the introduction of the ability to sell alcohol on the site. The house proposed to continue in the same manner as it had done over the previous five years. Residents living next to Woodbank consider that a wedding venue for up to 100 guests would be considerably different to what is currently allowed and will cause significant noise.


·         The noise consultant has stated that peak anticipated use from the house would not have the potential to significantly increase noise levels at the closest locations. However, the objectors disputed this.  Recently there had been two events that had caused significant disturbance which could be heard one kilometre away for one of the events. Therefore, a wedding event for 100 people that is only 100 metres away would be much worse.


·         There is a conflict between national and local planning policies.


The applicant’s agent, Mr. R. Williams, attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:


·         The development accords with the Local Development Plan and with polices S8, S10 and S11 that relate to rural enterprise which accords with Planning Policy Wales.


·         The development will contribute to a healthy diverse economy within Monmouthshire, which is outlined in the report of the application.


·         The proposed development has economic benefit for the County and will create 10 full time jobs providing a five star hospitality facility in Monmouthshire. The development will also provide quality accommodation to support the international convention centre. 


·         The proposed use of the building is a natural extension to the current tourism use of the property that is used as a high quality holiday accommodation.


·         The concerns of Llanhennock Community Council and local residents are acknowledged based on highway and noise matters.


·         A speed survey has established that the average speed limit along the road is 27.7mph.  Daily average traffic movements equates to 141 vehicles. 


·         The proposed development will not lead to deterioration in highways safety and capacity.  The access is deemed acceptable in terms of forward visibility for vehicles leaving and entering the site considering the existing number, frequency, type and speed of vehicles using the local road.


·         The potential impact of noise from the proposed development has been fully assessed.  A noise management plan has been proposed as part of the application and has been accepted by the Authority’s Environmental Health Department.


·         The conditions proposed in the report deal with the noise management plan which are acceptable to the applicant.  These conditions replicate and compliment those included on the premises licence to hold events subject to this application.


·         All decisions are a matter of balance and key material planning consideration. Both planning policy and technical considerations and mitigation plans strongly favour the grant of planning permission.


·         The applicant’s agent therefore requested that the application be approved.


Having considered the report of the application and the views expressed, the following points were noted:


·         Concern was expressed that there might be insufficient parking provision at the proposed venue for the anticipated number of vehicles likely to be attending an event, as well as there potentially not being enough parking provision for staff also attending.


·         Concern was also expressed regarding the lack of noise receptors outside of the boundary to the site and whether the amenity of the neighbours was being adequately protected.


·         Permission for the licence for the premises had been granted earlier in the year.


·         The applicant had recognised that there was a need for an overspill carpark for 30 vehicles.  However, this had not been accepted on ecological grounds. There might be a negative effect to residents amenity should some vehicles be required to park on the lane due to insufficient parking provision.


·         The conditions relating to hours of use for events and weddings could be limited to no later than 12:30am to coincide with the music condition.


·         In response to a question raised regarding the existing septic tank, it was noted that this will also be used for the events centre. 


·         The Development Services Manager informed the Committee that 41 parking spaces would comply with parking guidelines for this venue.


·         To alleviate parking provision concerns, an additional condition could be included to provide a staff travel plan for the development.


It was proposed by County Councillor J. Higginson and seconded by County Councillor A. Davies that application DM/2019/00351 be approved subject to the ten conditions as outlined in the report and subject to the following additional conditions:


·         Provide a Travel Plan for the development.


·         Hours of use for events and weddings to be limited to no later than 12:30am to coincide with the music condition.


Upon being put to the vote, the following votes were recorded:


In favour of the proposal                -           10

Against the proposal                       -           1

Abstentions                                       -           1


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DM/2019/00351 be approved subject to the ten conditions as outlined in the report and subject to the following additional conditions:


  • Provide a Travel Plan for the development.


  • Hours of use for events and weddings to be limited to no later than 12:30am to coincide with the music condition.


Supporting documents: