Venue: The Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA with remote attendance
No. |
Item |
1. |
Declarations of Interest
Bryn declared a non-prejudicial interest (has previously completed
a form.)
2. |
Public Open Forum
number of residents spoke, raising the following
- Suggesting that new housing being weighted heavily to Severnside
conflicts with the aspiration to retain Monmouthshire’s green
spaces, especially given the Gwent levels
- Arguing that Magor will be seen as part of an urban corridor
between Newport and Chepstow, threatening its rural status, and
noting the existing shortage of green spaces for
- Suggesting that there be a more even spread of houses between
Monmouth and Abergavenny
- Questioning whether it is sustainable for Severnside to have 21%
of the county’s population, with 1 out of 3 new homes set to
be built there
- Stressing the deficit of open space in Magor and Undy, and that
it has been overdeveloped for years, with untreated water already
being allowed to flow into the SSSI and some homes already being
victims of flooding
- Suggesting that being ‘protection-led’ rather than
‘development-led’ would be more in keeping with an
environmentally focussed RLDP
- Noting the shortage of amenity areas around Langley Close, with
a 2008 report already highlighting a deficiency of 14.4 acres of
outdoor provision at that time
- Stressing the importance of retaining farmland and supporting
communities e.g. the family who would be evicted from farming at
Langley Close, and questioning putting development before the
health of a community
- Highlighting that a previous council report stated that no
development would take place on open land near or close to a
motorway, yet this plan proposes to do so
- Stressing the importance of preserving the Gwent Levels and its
unique landscape, expressing concern for wildlife, and arguing that
the council’s own Green Strategy is being ignored,
particularly relating to the Green Infrastructure potential at
Magor and Undy
- Noting that this plan contravenes Future Wales Policy 9,
relating to biodiversity
- Arguing that previous Rockfield farm and Vinegar Hill
developments were predicated on the relief road and Magor-Undy
bypass going ahead, but were allowed to proceed and expand, and
suggesting that there has not been enough collaboration with
Newport Council over the impact of their developments given the
joint implications for thousands more vehicles needing to access
the M4 at Junction 23A
- Suggesting that there is not sufficient evidence to state that
higher levels of growth will not affect the road network, and that
building thousands of homes without the necessary infrastructure
being in place first is not responsible
- Asking for Air and Noise Pollution Assessments for Magor and
Undy, given that there is already an air quality problem from the
M4 and B4245 traffic jams
- Reiterating infrastructure concerns, particularly regarding
insufficient healthcare, shopping and leisure provisions in
Caldicot, with residents from the new developments likely to travel
elsewhere, and highlighting again the strain on the road network
and lack of decent public transport
- Expressing concerns about flooding being exacerbated by further
runoff from more developments, and the impact on air quality and
- Proposing that social housing be built where it is needed,
rather than concentrated in one place
Expressing opposition to Monmouth being allocated a
230% housing ... view
the full minutes text for item 2.
3. |
Replacement Local Development Plan Preferred Strategy - To scrutinise the RLDP Preferred Strategy, including any proposed changes arising from the public consultation PDF 523 KB
Additional documents:
Hand introduced the report, Craig O’Connor delivered a
presentation, and they answered the members’
Key points
raised by the Committee Members and other Councillors:
- Clarifying that there will be an easy-to-read version of the
report for residents with dyslexia
- Asking if there are plans to allocate land for self-builds and
whether consideration could be given to opening up MCC farmland and
offering plots for rent
- Asking how Monmouth qualifies as a sustainable development
considering its lack of public transport links
- Asking how further housing in Monmouth can be justified given
the impact this will have on the A40 trunk road, which is already
at capacity, and with residents having no option other than private
car trips
- Challenging the notion that the bus services in Monmouth can be
used to access work in Newport, Hereford or Gloucester as services
are neither frequent nor reliable
- Asking if it is known how robust the phosphate removal will be
in the improvements set to be made to the Waste Water treatment
works, and whether the drainage networks will be able to cope with
the additional capacity
- Asking how the Mounton Road site was selected over Bayfield,
given the 72% best and most versatile agricultural land is there
– should we not be developing around this natural resource
that is in short supply
- Asking what the plans are to react to the increased traffic as a
result of building an extra 270 houses in Monmouth, and where the
extra children will go to school given that Osbaston primary is
already at full capacity – asking whether new infrastructure
will need to be built
- Noting that landscape in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
needs to be duly considered
- Seeking confirmation that there are no more brownfield sites
that can be built on
- Reiterating the concern over the reliability and frequency of
bus services
- Questioning whether we should go to the level of 5,400 new homes
given the issues of climate and phosphates
- Asking whether the mitigation of phosphates by treatment works
will be sufficient to take on more growth
- Noting the need to have jobs to match housing
- Asking whether minibuses could be provided for transportation to
Overmonnow and Wyesham schools to alleviate the likely congestion
caused by parents driving to school on rainy days
- Questioning whether the plan can be supported without a bypass
for Chepstow and active travel measures, particularly as these were
the concerns when the committee scrutinised the Forest of
Dean’s plan
- Highlighting infrastructure concerns: Welsh Government
recommends considering adjoining local authorities; in
Chepstow’s case, this should include the houses being built
in the Forest of Dean area and the traffic that would come into
Chepstow from there
- Strongly challenging the consideration of Severnside, Caldicot
and Chepstow as separate areas, especially given the traffic
impacts amongst them
- Challenging the Mounton Road site being considered as an area
for development given its proximity to Highbeech roundabout and
that the council passed a motion to support studies for
improvements to that ...
view the full minutes text for item 3.
4. |
Place Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme PDF 381 KB
members’ attention was drawn to the possibility of School
Meals Procurement coming to the committee in December or March, the
EV Charging Strategy having been added to 11th January, and the
Workshop on 10th October still going ahead.
5. |
Cabinet and Council Work Planner PDF 329 KB
6. |
To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 263 KB
minutes were confirmed, proposed by Councillor Strong and seconded
by Councillor Bryn.
7. |
Next Meeting
Thursday 9th November 2023 at 10.00am.