No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made.
County Councillor J. Pratt was elected Chair for the meeting. County Councillor V. Smith substituting for Councillor D. Blakebrough. |
Public Open Forum Minutes: No members of the public were present. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2019 Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were confirmed and signed as a true record. |
Progressing the steps in Monmouthshire's Well-being Plan Minutes: Purpose: To provide the context for presentations that will be given to update the Select Committee on the delivery of key steps as part Monmouthshire’s Well-being Plan. The Committee is invited to scrutinise the lead agency assigned to these steps. Each lead agency is a member of the Public Service Board.
Key Issues: 1. The Public Service Board has approved four well-being objectives that underpin a clear purpose of building sustainable and resilient communities. The ideas and activity that will contribute to the delivery of these is set out as ‘steps’ within the Well-being Plan, each one being led by a PSB partner.
2. It is important that the vision set against each of these steps displays the appropriate ambition and clarity to ensure that it is supported by all partners and benefits from collaborative and integrated approaches. Organisations are being asked to put resources and energy into these in the name of the Public Service Board and it is important to ensure that that they are focusing on the right things.
3. The work on the steps is at different stages of evolution. The Programme Board sits underneath the PSB and maintains an oversight of all activities and is meeting the day before this committee.
4. The PSB has prioritised a six steps for particular focus. They are:
• Adverse Childhood Experiences - led by Gwent Police • The Mental Health of Children and Young People – led by Aneurin Bevan University Health Board • Improve the resilience of ecosystems by working at a larger scale – led by Natural Resources Wales • Promoting active citizenship – led by Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations • Re-addressing the supply and mix of housing stock - led by Monmouthshire County Council, with involvement of registered social landlords • Develop technology-led solutions for improving rural transport – led by Monmouthshire County Council.
5. Members will recall that these six steps have been selected due to the extent to which they integrate, inform and create the conditions to enable these pieces of work to progress, or because there will be outputs over the next six months that will require debate, review and evaluation before decision are taken on how best to move forward. Partners need to ensure that these projects are appropriately resourced to ensure real progress over a defined period and must be prepared to provide updates to the PSB Select Committee.
6. The Select Committee can require any statutory member of the board to give evidence, but only in respect of the exercise of joint functions conferred on the partner as a statutory member of the board in line with the Well-being of Future Generations Act.
7. At its meeting on the 9th January 2019 the Committee scrutinised progress against the Active Citizenship and Supply and mix of housing step. This meeting will receive presentations on rural transport and improving the resilience of ecosystems. There will be a brief update on Adverse Childhood Experiences, with the committee previously having scrutinised Gwent ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Update on Regional Well-being Work Additional documents:
Minutes: Purpose:
To provide the committee with a brief update about work being undertaken at a Gwent regional level to build on well-being assessments and to provide an update on emerging proposals for 2019-20 funding from Welsh Government which is in place to help Public Service Boards build their strategic capacity and capability to support the delivery of well-being plans as well as consolidate work on the assessments and plans.
Key Issues:
1. Officers representing the five Public Service Boards in Gwent have been meeting in the Gwent Wide Strategic Well-being Assessment Group (GSWAG) to share learning and identify opportunities to collaborate on areas of common interest. This work initially focused on the development of the well-being assessment and has continued to strengthen the development and implementation of well-being plans with a particular focus on collaboration and regional working.
2. For each of the past two years the Welsh Government has made available circa £74K of funding for the five PSBs in the Gwent area to use collaboratively to build on work completed as part of the well-being assessments and help build towards the development of the well-being plan.
3. Past projects include:
i) Future Trends – The limitations of work on future trends was a common theme raised by the Future Generations Commissioner and Welsh Government when they provided feedback on Well-being Assessments. Initial work on identifying strategically important future trends and disruptors has now been built upon with a regional conference in November and a local workshop for Monmouthshire, held in Monmouth in December which developed this at a local level and which members of the committee were invited to attend.
ii) Climate Ready Gwent – This work is underway and aims to identify landscape scale opportunities for climate adaptation using an ecosystems approach and make recommendations for future strategic regional collaboration. The aim is to influence the required changes to policy and practice that will enable Monmouthshire and its neighbours in Gwent to take the necessary steps towards being climate ready for the future.
iii) Happy Communities – This provided two tools: the Happy Communities Index (now called Thriving Places Index in Wales) which measured the local conditions for community well-being and the Happiness Pulse which is a measure of personal well-being.
iv) Data and Dashboards – Remaining funding is being utilised to improve how Monmouthshire PSB can use a type of data that is published under an Open Government License to develop accessible and automated reporting of key data issues raised in the well-being assessment, that can be used by the community, the PSB and councillors.
4. A further allocation of funding has been made for 2019-20 (see appendix 1). Officers on the Gwent wide group are currently developing projects to utilise this funding for 2019-20 and this is a work in progress ahead of a submission at the end of March. A progress update will be given at the meeting. It is likely to include work on annual reporting and community risk registers.
Member scrutiny: |
To consider the Select Committee's forward work programme Minutes: The forward work programme was noted.
It was agreed that it is helpful to have partner organisations in attendance. |
To note the date and time of the next meeting: TBC |