Agenda and minutes

Licensing and Regulatory Sub Committee - Wednesday, 15th January, 2025 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr USK. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Declaration of Interests


No declarations of interest were made.


Temporary Event Notice : Field at Old Castle Court Farm

Additional documents:



We considered a Temporary Event Notice under the Licensing Act 2003 for a field at Old Castle Court Farm, Pandy, Abergavenny, NP7 7PH.  This application has been made by Samuel Southan, GemFestival Ltd.


The Chair welcomed the applicant and representative to the meeting and introduced Members of the Sub Committee and the attending Officers and explained the protocol for the meeting.   Representatives of Environmental Health and Gwent Police were in attendance


The applicant and representative confirmed their name and address to the Committee. The applicant and representative confirmed receipt of the report and hearing procedure.


The applicant and representative were asked if they would proceed without legal representation.  The applicant and representative were not prepared to proceed with the hearing and withdrew the Temporary Events Notice. 


The hearing concluded.