Agenda and minutes

Central Mon Area Committee - Wednesday, 22nd June, 2016 2.00 pm

Venue: Conference Room - Usk, NP15 1AD. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair


We elected County Councillor S. White as Chair.


Appointment of Vice Chair


We appointed County Councillor B. Strong as Vice-Chair.


Declarations of interest


County Councillor P. Jones declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of an Area Committee Grant application from Raglan Village Hall, as she is a member of Raglan New Village Hall Working Party.


County Councillor B. Strong declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of Area Committee Grant applications from Gwent Best Kept Village Competition and Usk Baptist Church as he is a member of both of these committees.


County Councillor S. White declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest pursuant to the Members’ Code of Conduct in respect of Area Committee Grant applications from Gwent Best Kept Village Competition and St. Thomas Community Hall as she is the church warden at St. Thomas’ Church and a member of Gwent Best Kept Village Committee.


Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 90 KB


The minutes of the Central Monmouthshire Area Committee dated 9th March 2016 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Public open forum


A matter raised by a member of the public was considered under minute 6.


Petition - Road safety concerns at Porthycarne Street / Abergavenny Road, Usk pdf icon PDF 2 MB


We were advised of the petition presented to Monmouthshire County Council requesting that the Council addresses road safety issues on Porthycarne Street / Abergavenny Road, Usk.


Before considering the report, the Chair allowed Mr. G. Perry, a volunteer of the Usk Community speed watch to address the Committee.  In doing so, it was noted that the group meets once a week and monitors vehicular speeds at various times. The data collected differed to that mentioned in the officer’s report.


Analysis of data shows between 00:01 hrs on 12th December 2015 and 23:59 hrs on 25th December 2015:


Total vehicles 21857


Excess speed = 54%


Average speed 31mph


54% of vehicles over 30mph


3% of vehicles over 45mph


Highest speed 65mph at 23:46hrs on 18/12/15.


V85 = 39mph



(7 DAY AVERAGE) analysis from 00:01hrs on 12/12/15 to 23:59hrs on 18/12/15.


Total vehicles 11372


Excess speed = 56%


Average speed 31mph


56% of vehicles over 30mph


3% of vehicles over 45mph


Highest speed mph at 23:46hrs on 18/12/15.


V85 = 39mph



(7 DAY AVERAGE) analysis from 00:01hrs on 19/12/15 to 23:59hrs on 25/12/15.


Total vehicles 10483

Excess speed = 52%


Average speed 30mph


53% of vehicles over 30mph


3% of vehicles over 45mph


Highest speed mph at 01:16hrs on 22/12/15.


V85 = 39mph



Having received the report and the views expressed the following points were noted:


·         Enforcement of the speed limit is a police matter.


·         Crossing the road at this location is dangerous.


·         The local Member for Llanbadoc had put a motion to Full Council in November 2015 regarding the 60 mph speed limit through rural lanes.  However, no feedback had been received.


·         Parked vehicles along this route tends to slow traffic down, acting as a traffic calming measure.


·         Average speed is used to agree speed limits on roads.  However, the police use different criteria that used by the community speed watch.


·         It was anticipated that the Police will go back to the site and undertake further speed surveys.


·         The current evidence indicates that the existing speed limit is correct.


·         Potential solutions include narrowing the road, erecting flashing warning signs.


·         Officers would like to promote a footpath on the other side of the road via the Active Travel Bid.


·         The Police will be monitoring the site shortly.  Surveys will be undertaken and the information collected will be used to take appropriate action.


·         The speed watch will will continue to undertake its own monitoring.


We resolved:


(i)            To note the petition and the actions taken to date, including the formation of Speedwatch Group by local residents;


(ii)          That further speed monitoring is undertaken before consideration of potential physical traffic improvements which would also need prioritisation alongside other proposed schemes throughout Monmouthshire.


(iii)         That the Area Committee receives further feedback at a future meeting.


Area Committee Grant Applications pdf icon PDF 4 MB

Additional documents:


The Head of Community Led Delivery outlined the procedure for issuing capital funding to organisations that have submitted applications to the Area Committee for funding.  £5000 capital funding was currently available from the 2015/16 budget. 


The following applications for funding were received and considered by the Area Committee:


Gwent Best Kept Village


Applied for:  £250


Reason:  Towards volunteer judges’ travel expenses for visiting and judging the villagers entering the competition. Also, towards the purchase of trophies and frames for the certificates for winning schools and villages.


Having discussed the application it was considered that the application did not meet the relevant criteria.


We resolved that the application be rejected. Therefore, we resolved not to support this application.           



Nelson Gardens Preservation Trust


Applied for:  £5000


Reason:  Restoring and conserving a historic (Grade II) landscape.  Restore the Nelson Memorial with the seat Nelson sat on in 1802, repair historic hot wall and plant with trees, install disabled W.C. to improve visitor facilities.


Having considered the application the Committee we resolved not to support this application.



Usk Baptist Church


Applied for: £2000


Reason:  New chairs for tables already bought – from donations. Chairs that are suitable for all age groups and abilities.  New floor covering - on cleanliness and safety issues.


Having considered the application, we resolved to support the application in the sum of £1000.  Also, liaise with Morley Sims to ascertain whether there are any chairs that might be surplus to requirements that could be donated to Usk Baptist Church.



Llanishen Village Hall Management Committee


Applied for:  £4800


Reason:  The purchase of 100 stackable conference style chairs plus trollies for ease of storage and a further 20 plastic stackable chairs.


Having considered the application, we resolved to support the application in the sum of £1000.  Also, liaise with Morley Sims to ascertain whether there are any chairs that might be surplus to requirements that could be donated to Llanishen Village Hall Management Committee.



Raglan Village Hall and Recreation Association


Applied for:  £1068.01


Reason:  To facilitate the provision of Wi-Fi in the Old Church School.


Having considered the application, we resolved to support the application in the sum of £1000. 



County Councillor R. Edwards


Applied for:  £200


Reason:  To celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday with a party at Llanvaply Hall on 11th June 2016.


Having considered the application we resolved not to support the application as it was a request for revenue funding.



1st Wyesham Scout Group


Applied for:  £1009.11


Reason:  Gym mats, trolley and gazebo.


Having considered the application it was noted that further information was required before.  The Head of Community Led Delivery will write to the applicant with a view to the application being re-presented to the Autumn Area Committee meeting.


We resolved accordingly.



Usk Environmental Group


Applied for:  £1000


Reason:  To construct a solid path across the Owain Glyndwr Field.


Having considered the application, we resolved to support the application in the sum of £1000. 



Pelham Hall, Penallt


Applied for:  £5000


Reason:  Complete redesign and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.