Venue: The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest made by Members. |
Public Open Forum Minutes: There were no members of the public present with issues to be raised. |
Confirmation of Minutes Minutes: The minutes of the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee dated 13th September 2017 were confirmed and signed by the Chairman. |
Area Committee Terms of Reference Minutes: We received the Area Committee Terms of Reference as set out in the Cabinet Report dated 6th September 2017 entitled ‘Community Engagement Review Update / Whole Place and Partnerships Team Restructure.
We resolved to adopt the terms of reference subject to a slight amendment to bullet point 7 – the final word be changed from Borough to County.
The Head of Policy and Governance informed the Area Committee that having liaised with the Monitoring Officer regarding voting rights for the town and community Council representatives sitting on the Area Committee, this matter needed to be agreed at Full Council.
It was noted that the Monitoring Officer would shortly be presenting a report to Full Council in relation to amendments to the County Council’s Constitution. The Head of Policy and Governance stated that he would contact the Monitoring Officer with a view to establishing the best way forward to present the voting rights of the town and community Councils to Full Council for consideration, i.e., either as part of the Monitoring Officer’s report or via a separate report.
We resolved that the Head of Policy and Governance contacts the Monitoring Officer with a view to expediting this matter. |
Representation of the Area Committee on the Monmouthshire Strategic Transport Group Minutes: Monmouthshire’s Strategic Transport Group had requested the four Area Committees to appoint one representative from each Area Committee to sit on the Strategic Transport Group.
We resolved that:
(i) County Councillor S. Woodhouse would be the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee’s representative to sit on the Strategic Transport Group;
(ii) County Councillor S. Woodhouse provides an update on progress being made by the Strategic Transport Group to the Area Committee at future Area Committee meetings;
(iii) an agenda item be added to the January 2018 Area Committee meeting to appoint a representative from the Area Committee to sit on the Grass Routes Partnership Board. |
Shaping the Area Committee Workplan Minutes: We received a report outlining issues emerging from engagement with the community and other evidence with a view to help shape the future work programme of the Area Committee.
In doing so, the following points were noted:
· Briefing sessions regarding the well-being assessment had been held at County Hall, Usk for Monmouthshire’s town and community councils.
· The following issues were raised with a view to being added to the future work programme:
- Update on the new pedestrian bridge over the River Usk at Llanfoist.
- Update on the new crossing to castle Meadows.
- Invite the Head of the Community Partnership Development Team to outline to the Committee what the Team does.
- Invite voluntary sector organisations in Abergavenny to provide a presentation to the Committee outlining what they do.
- Receive Cabinet and Scrutiny Work Plans.
- Receive a presentation from the Tourist Association.
We resolved to receive the report and noted its content.
Monmouthshire Well-being Plan Minutes: We received the Monmouthshire Well-being Plan and were provided with information regarding the objectives being developed by the Monmouthshire Public Service Board (PSB) to ensure that communities in the area have the opportunity to participate in the development of the plan.
The Committee was informed that the Well-being of Future Generations Act aims to ensure that public bodies think more about the long term, work better with people and communities and each other, look to prevent problems and take a more joined-up approach. Each PSB must prepare and publish a local well-being plan setting out its local objectives and the steps it proposes to take to meet them. This needs to be published no later than one year after the previous county council election.
The plan must describe how the board will improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of the county by setting local objectives which maximise its contribution to the seven national well-being goals.
The Act places a duty on community and town councils with income or expenditure over £200,000 a year to take all reasonable steps towards meeting the local objectives included in the local well-being plan that has effect in their areas. If a community or town council is subject to the duty, it must publish a report annually detailing its progress in meeting the objectives contained in the local well-being plan. Those not legally subject to The Act are still encouraged to consider what contribution they may be able to make towards meeting the local objectives adopted for their areas.
Work completed between April and July 2017 resulted in the PSB adopting four draft well-being objectives. These are based on the well-being assessment that was carried out between August and December 2016.
The PSB will be asked to endorse the plan when it meets on 8th November 2017 prior to a 12 week public consultation that will begin the week commencing 13th November 2017.
Having received the report, the following points were noted:
· The Act takes into account what is happening at a community level. Some views might have an area focus to them allowing the Area Committees to play a part.
· Some aspects might be complex and cross cutting resulting in all PSB’s working together on certain issues.
· It is important to ensure that the communities are heard and that they play an important role.
· Abergavenny Town Council is preparing its plan which incorporates the five wards. This forum will aid in this process.
· Llanelly Community Council will commence preparing its plan in January 2018. Workshops will be held with a view to it being a community led Plan.
· It was considered that the majority of Monmouthshire residents were more interested in what happens at a local level rather that the larger issues affecting the County as a whole. However, it was noted that the Well-being Plan was forward thinking legislation and that whilst the day to day local issues needed to be managed, there was also a need to manage ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
North Monmouthshire Community Planning for a Better Place Minutes: We received the North Monmouthshire Community Plan which outlined its vision for 2021 and beyond. In doing so, the following points were noted:
· Initiatives have been grouped into five main themes, namely:
- Spreading the word by publicising local facilities and attractions.
- Encouraging business success – including traditional and growth businesses.
- Enabling communities to thrive – well-being including health, education and sport.
- Enhancing our environment – including open spaces, built environment, energy.
- Moving around more easily – including walking, cycling, cars, public transport.
· The Plan is aiming to achieve practical achievable schemes at a local level.
· The North Monmouthshire Community Plan could be used to formulate the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee’s work plan.
· Much work and consultation has gone into the completion of the Plan with some schemes having already started.
· Partnership working will help deliver the schemes outlined in the Plan.
We resolved to adopt the North Monmouthshire Community Plan and use it to formulate the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee’s work plan.
Frequency of Bryn y Cwm Area Committee meetings during the pilot Minutes: We considered the frequency and timing of future Bryn y Cwm Area Committee meetings during the pilot.
We resolved:
(i) that the Chair, the Head of Policy and Governance, and the Democratic Services Officer meet to develop the work plan.
(ii) to hold bi-monthly meetings which will commence at 1.00pm.
(iii) that the remaining meetings for the 2017/18 Council year will be held on:
· 17th January 2018 in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.
· 14th March 2018 (venue to be determined).
· 16th May 2018 (venue to be determined).
(iv) that the Head of Policy and Governance will liaise with the Cabinet Member, County Councillor P. Murphy and the Chief Officer Resources to ascertain whether budget meetings are going to be held in the leisure centres, as undertaken in previous years.
(v) to adopt the North Monmouthshire Community Plan and use it to formulate the Bryn y Cwm Area Committee’s work plan.
In addition, the following items would be added to the work programme:
· Feedback from Team Abergavenny regarding progress.
· Public Realm update.
· Update on the new pedestrian bridge over the River Usk at Llanfoist.
· Update on the new crossing to Castle Meadows.
· Invite the Head of the Community Partnership Development Team to outline to the Committee what the Team does.
· Invite voluntary sector organisations in Abergavenny to give a presentation to the Committee outlining what they do.
· Receive Cabinet and Scrutiny Work Plans.
· Receive a presentation from the Tourist Association.
· Receive a presentation on Fair Trade by Katrina Gass. |