Agenda and decisions

Panel Hearing, Standards Committee - Wednesday, 28th August, 2024 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, The Rhadyr USK. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Election of Chair


Declarations of Interest


Standards Committee Panel - Hearing


Decision Notice


Standards Committee Panel Hearing - Councillor Geoffrey Cowan of Llantilio Pertholey Community Council


Hearing Date – 28th August 2024



1.     ThePanelconvenedahearingon28th August2024tohearacomplainttoreferredtoitby thePublicServicesOmbudsmanforWales(“theOmbudsman”)inrelationtoCouncillor GeoffreyCowanofLlantilioPertholeyCommunityCouncil(“theCouncil”).


2.     ThePaneldecided,aspreliminaryissues,toadmitthelateevidencesubmittedbyCllr Cowanand tocombine stages1 and2 ofthe procedurefor thehearing.


3.     The Panel heard submissions from Counsel for the Ombudsman, and considered the papersbeforeit,includingtheInvestigationReportandCllrCowan’swrittensubmissions. CllrCowandidnotattendthehearing,andnowitnesseswerecalledtogiveevidenceby eitherparty.


4.     ThePanelfoundthatonthebalanceofprobabilitiesCllrCowanmadeathreatofphysical violencetowardsCllrSkinneratameetingoftheLlantilioPertholeyCommunityCouncil on 20th July 2022. The Panel noted that the witness evidence of three individuals in attendance supported this allegation. The Panel also noted that the incident was recordedinthe minutesof themeeting, andthatthese minuteswere laterapproved asan accuraterecord atthe subsequentmeeting ofthe Councilon 17th August2022.


5.     The Panel noted that whilst the evidence supported the fact that Cllr Skinner had repeatedly interrupted Cllr Cowan, the weight of evidence did not establish on the balanceof probabilitiesthat hehad wavedhis walkingstick atCllr Cowanduring the meetingon 20th July2022.


6.     Paragraph4(b)oftheCodeofConductstates:‘Whenundertakingyourroleasmember, youmustshowrespectandconsiderationforothers.’ThePanelfoundthatCllrCowan’s conduct,inmakingaphysicalthreattoanothermemberoftheCouncil,demonstrateda clearfailuretoshowrespectandconsiderationtoCllrSkinnerandthereforeamountedto abreach ofparagraph 4(b)of theCouncil’s Codeof Conduct.


7.     Paragraph6(1)(a)oftheCouncil’sCodeofConductstates:‘Youmustnotbehaveinaway which could reasonably be regarded as bringing your office or authority into disrepute at anytime.’The Panelfoundthat theconduct wouldlikely damagepublicconfidence inthe member himself and the Community Council. The Panel therefore found that Cllr Cowan’s conduct could reasonably be regarded as bringing both himself and the Community Council into disrepute.

8.     ThePaneldecided thatasanctionwasappropriateinthiscase.ThePanel foundthatCllr Cowan’s article 10 ECHR right to freedom of expression wasengaged. However, the Panel didnotconsiderthatathreat of physicalviolence amounted to‘political expression’and therefore,CllrCowan’sconductdidnotattractenhancedprotection.ThePanelfurther

held that although Cllr Cowan had a right to freedom of expressionunder article10 of the ECHR, itwasnecessary and proportionate in thesecircumstancesfor that article  ...  view the full decision text for item 3.


Supplementary Agenda - Papers