Venue: Steve Greenslade Room, County Hall, Usk
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest |
Feedback from Performance & Overview Committee Decision: That Cabinet noted Feedback from the Performance and Overview Scrutiny Committee. The Chair and the Committee were thanked for providing the feedback. |
2024/25 REVENUE BUDGET - FINANCIAL UPDATE Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To provide Cabinet with an update of the progress against the Councils revenue budget for the 2024/25 financial year.
Author: Jonathan Davies, Head of Finance (Acting Section 151 officer)
Contact Details: Additional documents:
Decision: 1. That Cabinet note the forecast revenue budget deficit of £4,353,000 which is a deterioration of £964,000 since the previous update. 2. That Cabinet note a forecast 80.1% delivery of the £10,940,000 budgeted service savings required for the year. This results in a shortfall in savings of £2,176,000 that is included in the above deficit. 3. That Cabinet note the budget recovery action of £1,019,000 drawn up by services that if delivered will reduce the forecast deficit to £3,334,000. 4. That Cabinet note that the negotiation of national pay agreements for Local Government employees has concluded, and that the outcome is expected to be within budgeted allocations. 5. That Cabinet note the budgetary risks that are inbuilt into the forecast, namely; Ø The volatility of demand for high-cost services, particularly in Adults & Children’s Social Care and with Additional learning needs; Ø The risk of the increase in the rate of the employers contribution to the teacher’s pension scheme not being fully funded; Ø The potential impact upon the Council’s financial resilience from the forecast increase in the cumulative schools reserves deficit that is being carried on the Council’s balance sheet. Ø The risk of further non-delivery of the £10,940,000 of budgeted savings targets; Ø The trend of reducing debt recovery, particularly within Council tax where there is a significant increase in the number of discounts and exemptions awarded, and a slowing down in collection rates; Ø The severely limited reserve cover available to the Council.
6. That Cabinet note the forecast increase in the deficit on cumulative schools reserves as outlined in Appendix 3 of this report of £4,887,000. This would result in school balances ending the financial year in a deficit of £5,791,000, with twenty (59%) of thirty-four schools forecast to be in a deficit balance. 7. That Cabinet note that schools which are forecasting to end the 2024/25 financial year in a deficit balance have brought forward recovery plans outlining the proposed actions to address their budget shortfalls. 8. That Cabinet note a forecast Capital budget underspend of £93,000, alongside an indication of slippage in capital schemes of £9,298,000. The minor underspend is related to the Crick Road care home scheme and due to being financed by specific borrowing and does not subsequently represent a usable surplus budget. |
Purpose: The purpose is to fulfil the expectation of the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales that their report is brought to the attention of Cabinet and Governance & Audit Committee.
Author: Annette Evans, Customer Relations Manager
Contact Details:
Additional documents: Decision: 1. That Cabinet note the content of the Public Sector Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) annual letter (Appendix 1) and inform the PSOW of their considerations and any proposed actions. The PSOW is aware that due to the scheduling of meetings there would be a delay in responding to them. 2. That the authority continues to engage with the PSOW complaints standards work, access training for staff and provide the PSOW with complaints data. We have also fully implemented the Ombudsman’s model complaints policy. |
Approval of NEET Prevention Strategy Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To present the draft Monmouthshire NEET Prevention Strategy for approval to Cabinet on 5th December 2024.
Author: Louise Wilce – Youth Employment & Skills Lead
Contact Details: Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet approve the final draft of the revised Monmouthshire NEET Reduction Strategy. |
Former Mounton House School, Chepstow Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: This report is brought forward to declare surplus the site of the Former Mounton House School, Chepstow, by the Learning Skills and Economy portfolio for transfer to Landlord Services.
Authors: Cath Saunders, Sustainable Communities for Learning Manager - Learning, Skills & Economy Nicholas Keyse, Acting Head of Landlord Services
Contact Details:
Additional documents:
Decision: That Cabinet agrees that the former Mounton House School, exclusive of retained land, be released from Learning Skills and Economy Directorate to Landlord Services for disposal. |
Strategic Risk Assessment Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To provide Cabinet with an overview of the current strategic risks facing the authority.
Authors: Richard Jones, Performance and Data Insight Manager Hannah Carter, Performance Analyst
Contact Details:
Additional documents: Decision: That Cabinet members review the strategic risk assessment and assess whether it provides a realistic and evidenced appraisal of the strategic risks facing the authority over the next three years. |
Community and Corporate Plan Performance Update Division/Wards Affected: All
Purpose: To provide Cabinet with an update on the progress that has been made to deliver the commitments set out in the Community and Corporate Plan 2022-28.
Author:Richard Jones, Performance and Data Insight Manager Hannah Carter, Performance Analyst
Contact Details:
Decision: That Cabinet use this report as part of their continuous monitoring of how effectively the council is delivering its objectives to identify where departments are not on track to meet the targets and identify any remedial actions that may be required. |