Lleoliad: Steve Greenslade Room, County Hall, Usk
Cyswllt: Gwasanaethau Democrataidd
Rhif | eitem |
Ymddiheuriadau am absenoldeb |
Datganiadau o Fuddiant |
DATGANIAD ALLDRO CYLLIDEBAU REFENIW A CHYFALAF 2022/23 PDF 586 KB Rhanbarth/Wardiau Sy’n Cael Eu Heffeithio: Pob un
Diben:Darparu gwybodaeth i’r Cabinet ar ganlyniadau ariannol terfynol yr Awdurdod ar gyfer blwyddyn ariannol 2022/23, a hynny ar gyfer y gyllideb refeniw, rhaglen gyfalaf a’r arian wrth gefn.
Awdur: Jonathan Davies, Pennaeth Cyllid (Dirprwy Swyddog A151)
Manylion Cyswllt:jonathandavies2@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet recognises a net revenue budget deficit at outturn of £3,503,000 that requires a contribution from earmarked reserves to fund the additional expenditure incurred.
That the primary drivers of this budget deficit are:
· Overspends within Adult’s and Children’s social care services of £367,000 and £4,147,000 respectively where increased demand, increased complexity of cases, and high cost placements have been a feature during the year. · An overspend of £881,000 within Additional learning needs specifically in relation to placement costs in independent and out of county provision, alongside increased transport costs following a sustained period of inflation. · Additional costs in relation to Homelessness of £1,352,000 where the Council is unable to claim full housing benefit subsidy for those housed within temporary accommodation. · Where pay awards agreed during the year were £2,050,000 above budgeted levels. · These have been significantly offset by the receipt of unbudgeted grant, improved income, significant staff vacancies across services, higher than budgeted investment and Council tax income, and lower costs in some non-pay service areas.
That Cabinet recognise that the deficit at outturn represents a significant improvement from the position forecast at month 9, with £2,557,000 less needing to be contributed from reserves. This is primarily as a result of £990,000 of additional eligible costs being financed from capital receipts under capitalisation direction; £1,300,000 of additional grant funding being received or allocated to core expenditure in relation to Adult social care costs, and; a net £1,738,000 improvement in service budget positions driven by budget recovery action enacted by services during the year, and significantly where additional income has been identified and staff vacancies have been held.
That Cabinet note the ongoing financial risk represented by the current volatile operating environment within Adult’s and Children’s services and require the respective Chief Officers and the Responsible Financial Officer to continue to closely monitor and manage operational and financial performance to ensure that all possible remedial action is taken to constrain cost, and that this is reported to the Cabinet Portfolio Holder regularly.
That Cabinet endorse the strategy to rationalise reserves as noted within paragraph 4.10 of this report, and task officers with considering a further rationalisation exercise once the medium-term financial strategy is developed that outlines the financial framework and alignment to the Council’s approved Community & Corporate plan.
That Cabinet approve the use of capital receipts totalling £3,271,000 to fund the eligible revenue expenditure as outlined in Appendix 3 under the Welsh Government’s “flexible use of capital receipts” direction.
That Cabinet acknowledge the reduction in Schools balances during the year of £2,698,908 as outlined in Appendix 1 and Appendix 4, significantly lower than the £4,653,000 that had been previously forecast. Five schools ended the year in a deficit balance with several schools continuing to carry structural budget deficits that will need to be addressed.
That Members note capital expenditure for the year of £43,693,000, with £33,098,000 of budget requested to be slipped into 2023/24. As a result of net under spends across various smaller schemes within the programme, £220,000 of ... view the full Penderfyniad text for item 3. |
AIL-AGOR MYNWENT TREFYNWY AR GYFER CLADDU PDF 148 KB Rhanbarth/Wardiau Sy’n Cael Eu Heffeithio: Osbaston
Diben:Gofyn i’r Cabinet gymeradwyo ail-agor Mynwent Trefynwy ar gyfer claddu eirch ‘yn ôl y galw’.
Awdur:Rhian Jackson, Swyddog Mynwentydd
Manylion Cyswllt:rhianjackson@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet approve the proposed policy change to reopen Monmouth Cemetery for the offer of ‘on-demand’ coffin burials. |
CADW PLOTIAU CLADDU PDF 141 KB Rhanbarth/Wardiau Sy’n Cael Eu Heffeithio: Pob un Diben:Gofyn i’r Cabinet gymeradwyo ymatal rhag cynnig cadw gofodau ar gyfer claddu (nid yw hyn yn cynnwys plotiau ar gyfer claddu gweddillion wedi’u hamlosgi)
Awdur:Rhian Jackson, Swyddog Mynwentydd
Manylion Cyswllt: rhianjackson@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol: Penderfyniad: That Cabinet approve the proposed policy change in Council managed cemeteries.
To commence a review of remaining burial space in Monmouthshire, to inform a strategic assessment of future cemetery provision, inclusive of additional or alternative sites. |
YMATEB I’R ANGEN BRYS AM LETY – PRYNU EIDDO PDF 798 KB Rhanbarth/Wardiau Sy’n Cael Eu Heffeithio: Pob un
Diben: Gofyn am gymeradwyaeth i brynu eiddo preswyl, teuluol yn y Fenni er mwyn galluogi’r Cyngor i liniaru’r pwysau a ddaw yn sgil digartrefedd a’r dibynadwyedd ar Lety Dros Dro anaddas, er enghraifft Gwely a Brecwast.
Awdur: Frances O’Brien – Prif Swyddog, Cymunedau a Lleoedd Cath Fallon – Pennaeth Mentergarwch ac Animeiddio Cymunedol
Manylion Cyswllt: FrancesOBrien@monmouthshire.gov.uk Cathfallon@monmouthshire.gov.uk
Dogfennau ychwanegol:
Penderfyniad: That Cabinet approves the acquisition of the property, utilising Social Housing Grant and drawing on the existing borrowing headroom and budget envelope of the capital programme, to address the purchase price shortfall. |