Venue: Council Chamber - Council Chamber
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item | ||||||||
Declarations of interest Minutes: County Councillors Simon Howarth and Rachel Buckler declared a prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 8a with regards to tourism tax. |
Public Questions Minutes: None. |
Chair's Announcement Minutes: Noted. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2023 were approved as an accurate record.
In doing so we noted that County Councillor Simon Howarth had been in attendance. |
GWENT PUBLIC SERVICES BOARD: WELL-BEING PLAN Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader of Council presented the report to ensure that members understand the challenges facing Gwent and the steps being taken collaboratively by public services in the region to address these and to approve the Gwent Public Service Board’s Well-being Plan ahead of publication.
Upon being put to a vote Council resolved to accept the recommendation:
That Council approve the Well-being Plan ahead of approval by the Gwent Public Services Board.
CHIEF OFFICER CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE ANNUAL REPORT Minutes: The Chief Officer for Children and Young People presented the report to provide members with an overview of the status and performance of the education system in Monmouthshire and to provide the Chief Officer’s perspective of the relevant strengths and weaknesses in the system, the risks that the service faces and the opportunities that exist to improve.
Council resolved to note the report.
Motions to Council |
Submitted by County Councillor Richard John This Council: · Notes that tourists contribute nearly £200million to Monmouthshire’s economy and sustain over 3,000 jobs in the tourism industry. · Notes the commitment of the Welsh Government to give local authorities the powers to impose a tourism tax by 2026. · Recognises the damage a tourism tax would inflict on our tourism industry and rules out the introduction of a tourism tax in Monmouthshire.
Minutes: This Council: · Notes that tourists contribute nearly £200million to Monmouthshire’s economy and sustain over 3,000 jobs in the tourism industry. · Notes the commitment of the Welsh Government to give local authorities the powers to impose a tourism tax by 2026. · Recognises the damage a tourism tax would inflict on our tourism industry and rules out the introduction of a tourism tax in Monmouthshire.
County Councillors Simon Howarth and Rachel Buckler declared prejudicial interests and did not take part in the discussion.
Upon being put to a recorded vote Council resolved to reject the motion: Votes For: 15 Votes Against: 23 Abstentions: 2
County Councillor Simon Howarth left the meeting at 17:14
Members Questions |
From County Councillor Richard John to County Councillor Mary Ann Brocklesby, Leader of the Council Would the Leader make a statement about the relationship the administration has with the Welsh Government?
Minutes: Would the Leader make a statement about the relationship the administration has with the Welsh Government?
From County Councillor Penny Jones to County Councillor Rachel Garrick, Cabinet Member for Resources Can the Cabinet Member please explain the administration’s plans for the future of the old Primary School site in Raglan and the timeline involved?
Minutes: Can the Cabinet Member please explain the administration’s plans for the future of the old Primary School site in Raglan and the timeline involved?
Urgent Question from County Councillor Christopher Edwards to County Councillor Catrin Maby, Cabinet Member for Climate CHange and the Environment Minutes: Chepstow is about to experience major music events over three consecutive days where it will encounter a record number of visitors to an area that is renowned for traffic congestion.
Councillors and residents want to see businesses thrive, Chepstow prosper, and the town remain a happy place for residents to live, work and play. Residents’ concerns are real and based on evidence, having experienced such events and activities in the area but on a smaller scale.
What reassurances can the Cabinet Member give residents of mine and surrounding wards that the council’s traffic management plans will work and that residents won’t feel trapped in their homes, or have their streets used as rat runs or car parks for visitors? Will the council also take on board feedback provided before and after the Temporary Traffic Regulation Order is in force, and act on it to improve the lives of residents?”
Date of next meeting - 20th July 2023 Minutes: Noted. |