Venue: County Hall, Usk - Remote Attendance. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: None received. |
Public Questions Minutes: None received. |
Chairman's announcement and receipt of petitions Minutes: Council received the Chairman’s report and noted that no petitions had been received.
Council also paid respect to the recent passing of former County Councillor Andrew James. |
Cabinet Statement on the impact of COVID-19 on schools in Monmouthshire Minutes: Council received a Cabinet Statement on the impact of Covid-19 on schools in Monmouthshire.
In doing so, the following points were noted:
· The Cabinet Member thanked learners, their families, and all school staff during this difficult period.
· Across Monmouthshire’s schools there have been 1769 positive Covid-19 cases between 3rd September and 12th December 2021. This represents 16% of the school age population.
· There have been 805 cases in our secondary schools and 964 cases in our primary schools. Most affected were learners aged between 8 and 11 which accounted for 42% of all our cases.
· There was a slow start regarding cases in Monmouthshire before cases spiked around half-term. At that time there was a clear shift in cases moving from the secondary school sector to our primary schools. That has been significantly higher in the latter part of the term. This shift could be attributable to the introduction of vaccines to those aged between 12 and 15 from 4th October 2021 but we do not have clear data to underpin that.
· Covid-19 has not only impacted our learners but there has been an impact on school staff. Schools have reported the highest levels of staff cases and related absences of Covid-19 across Monmouthshire County Council. It has had a direct impact on teaching delivery this term and the changes around household isolation requirements has exacerbated the situation where staff were waiting for PCR tests and results.
· The impact of Covid-19 on Monmouthshire’s schools has been more significant in the Autumn term compared to any previous term throughout the pandemic. At the same time, there has been a shortage of supply staff to fill the gaps in staffing capacity, placing additional pressure on our school staffing teams. Despite this, nearly all our schools have remained open throughout the term with only two instances of primary schools having to close a class for a very limited period of time.
· Currently, due to extreme staff shortages, one of our secondary schools has moved to remote learning for post 16 learners for the last week of term to allow face to face delivery for students in years 7 to 11.
· Since the start of the pandemic there has been a focus on the well-being of learners and staff across our schools. This term has not seen any change in this approach. Schools have been able to use some of the new grant streams to support enhanced and developing well-being provision with their schools. Achieving a sustainable balance between well-being and structured learning will be a challenge in the short, medium and longer term.
· The pandemic has impacted on the progress of our learners. This term officers and the Education Achievement Service (EAS) have increased their interaction with schools to understand where learners are and to identify specific areas of support that schools may need to enhance their provision and offer.
· A series of professional discussions have taken place with 18 of our schools during the term which is the highest ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Notices of Motion: |
Submitted by County Councillor Tudor Thomas The Council accepts that current provision is unfit for purpose and that this Council totally upgrades and modernises the Abergavenny Bus Station as part of its commitment to ‘Active Travel’ and carbon reduction. · Access for people with mobility issues is installed. · The bus shelters are replaced with shelters that protect travellers from the elements. · Suitable devices to prevent cars and other vehicles from accessing the ‘No Entry’ lanes - currently signs are ignored and vehicles pose a threat to safety of travellers. · Bus timetables are erected at a height at which wheelchair users can read and larger font sizes are used.
Minutes: The Council accepts that current provision is unfit for purpose and that this Council totally upgrades and modernises the Abergavenny Bus Station as part of its commitment to ‘Active Travel’ and carbon reduction.
· Access for people with mobility issues is installed.
· The bus shelters are replaced with shelters that protect travellers from the elements.
· Suitable devices to prevent cars and other vehicles from accessing the ‘No Entry’ lanes - currently signs are ignored and vehicles pose a threat to safety of travellers. Public Document Pack.
· Bus timetables are erected at a height at which wheelchair users can read and larger font sizes are used.
Seconded by County Councillor M. Groucutt.
The Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Neighbourhood Services thanked County Councillor Thomas for submitting the motion and subsequently updated Council on works already planned in this financial year.
It was noted that:
· Works intended for Abergavenny bus station before 31st March 2022, weather permitting, have already been planned in this financial year following a successful bid to improve bus facilities from Welsh Government.
· At Abergavenny bus station, the stand 1 platform is to be increased in size to allow a larger new shelter to be installed. Information boards and tactile paving will also be installed.
· Stand 2 will be removed entirely to allow flow of traffic through the bus station.
· All dropped kerbs to platforms will have tactile paving and will be clearly marked between the platforms.
· With regard to the bus shelter itself, Covid-19 guidelines did not allow for the front of the shelter to be covered. As soon as this guidance is lifted the bus shelter will be provided with better coverage.
· The island at the end of stand 5 is to be removed to provide better access to the stand whilst keeping the taxi parking and pavement.
· Bays 2 and 3 of the coach parking are to be hatched out with no parking to ensure access for buses is maintained.
· Signage is to be provided at the no entry point and the bus station entrance is to be clearly marked with allowed vehicles.
· Signage to be provided at the rear of the coach parking bays to state parking conditions.
· There will be dedicated motorcycle parking bays outside the café area and lining will be reinstated to mark bays and no entry areas.
· This work is planned to be carried out and completed with funds received to be used in this financial year which addresses the points made by County Councillor Thomas. However, there is an additional proposal to carry out a study of the whole bus station area to look at the longer term ambition of providing a new transport hub in this area that will be sustainable for the future.
· The Cabinet Member considered that the motion could not be supported because all the points identified in the motion relate works planned for this financial year. Welsh Government funding has been received to improve Abergavenny bus station.
· The Cabinet Member has regular meetings with the Pro-Mobility ... view the full minutes text for item 5a |
Members' Questions: |
From County Councillor Tudor Thomas to County Councillor Penny Jones, Cabinet Member for Social Care, Safeguarding and Health Can the Cabinet Member for Social Care, Safeguarding and Health reassure the Council that there are sufficiently robust procedures in place to safeguard all children in the Authority.
This is in light of the case of Arthur Labinjo Hughes in Solihull who tragically lost his life at the hands of his step-mother and biological father.
Minutes: Can the Cabinet Member for Social Care, Safeguarding and Health reassure the Council that there are sufficiently robust procedures in place to safeguard all children in the Authority?
This is in light of the case of Arthur Labinjo Hughes in Solihull who tragically lost his life at the hands of his step-mother and biological father.
The Cabinet Member thanked County Councillor Thomas and informed Council that much work has been undertaken across the Council over several years to ensure that safeguarding is embedded in the whole culture of Monmouthshire County Council. This was endorsed by the recent whole authority safeguarding report which was endorsed by the County Council. This is supported by a number of training programmes both for Members and Social Services.
There is good liaison between schools, Children and Young People and Children’s Services which is supported by the lead officer for Safeguarding in Education and all head teachers at schools within Monmouthshire.
Referral rates have remained high throughout the Covid-19 pandemic which indicates that people are still reporting their concerns. All referrals into Children’s Services are screened and then decisions are made within 24 hours with initial discussions about safeguarding being held via the multi-agency process.
Social workers undertaking home assessments to investigate concerns are fully trained, supervised and most importantly supported. Families are able to access Early Help Services if they have concerns within the community with good liaison taking place between Early Help Services and Children’s Services.
Part of the Regional Safeguarding arrangements are considered at a local level. Social Services will take the opportunity to identify any additional learning and further development of services arrangements or practices as seen fit in light of the recent tragic events as outlined in County Councillor Thomas’ question.
The Cabinet Member congratulated and welcomed the new Head of Children’s Services. Her knowledge and expertise, particularly in Children’s Services, will be a positive outcome for Monmouthshire County Council. |
From County Councillor Maureen Powell to County Councillor Jane Pratt, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Neighbourhood Services Can the Cabinet Member confirm if the A465 from Gilwern to Brymawr is now fully open and can she reassure members that there is ongoing engagement between MCC, Costain and the Welsh Government, to rectify issues caused by the works, in the surrounding infrastructure? Minutes: Can the Cabinet Member confirm if the A465 from Gilwern to Brymawr is now fully open and can she reassure members that there is ongoing engagement between MCC, Costain and the Welsh Government, to rectify issues caused by the works, in the surrounding infrastructure?
The Cabinet Member thanked County Councillor Powell and informed Council that the A465 is now open with no more planned road closures. Officers have been working closely with Costain and Welsh Government to address the issues caused by increased traffic.
The Cabinet Member is liaising with Welsh Government regarding compensation claims to local businesses that have been affected by the works over the past seven years.
From County Councillor Laura Jones to County Councillor Jane Pratt, Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Neighbourhood Services Would the Cabinet Member please provide an update on the rollout of 20mph zones in Monmouthshire, including in Wyesham?
Minutes: Would the Cabinet Member please provide an update on the rollout of 20mph zones in Monmouthshire, including in Wyesham?
The Cabinet Member thanked County Councillor Laura Jones and informed Council that the Welsh Government’s pilot projects in Abergavenny and Severnside are being prioritised with consultation for the traffic order scheduled to commence on 22nd December 2021 which will run for 28 days. The consultation period has been extended to account for the Christmas break. Provided there are no objections raised that cannot be resolved, the 20 mph zones will be implemented in February 2022.
The other 20mph zones agreed for this financial year are in Devauden, Mathern, Monmouth, Wyesham, Mynydd Bach and two areas of Chepstow. The 21 day consultation period for these traffic orders will commence in early February 2022. Provided there are no objections raised that cannot be resolved, the 20mph zones will be implemented in March 2022.
It is also proposed to make the Raglan and Tintern trial 20mph zones permanent. |
Confirmation of Minutes Minutes: Council approved the minutes of the meeting held on 4th November 2021. |
Next Meeting: Minutes: Thursday 27th January 2022 at 2.00pm. |