Agenda and minutes

DS Sub Group - open to all Members, Democratic Services Committee - Tuesday, 12th May, 2020 2.00 pm

Venue: Remote Teams Meeting

Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair opened the remote meeting and welcomed all Members in attendance.


Declarations of interest




Remote Meetings - Guidance and Protocol


The Local Democracy Manager welcomed all members to join the meeting at which he would advise on the new process of accessing meetings remotely, via Microsoft Teams.

The following points were noted:

·       Expected behaviours and the principles of normal meetings still apply

·       The background can be changed for privacy/professionalism – a standard MCC background can be uploaded

·       Preparation is important - issues around screen space, accessing agenda, notes etc

·       Joining a meeting – for a committee there will always be an emailed calendar appointment which includes the link to join the meeting. This will be copied into the calendar in Teams as well so two places to join the meeting.

·       There are lots of different ways to use Teams to hold meetings but in order to live stream and maintain security, we will use the live event version. This means, only members of the committee, relevant officers and where notified for questions or participation, members of the public will be given a link to join. Everyone else will have a link to just watch a video of the meeting as its happening. Very similar to current physical set up (everyone in the room, everyone at home).

·       Toolbar run through – mic/camera, conversation/chat, background/ switch off incoming cameras.

·       Log in to a meeting 15 minutes prior to it starting. Test your camera, your microphone, and your audio. You can mute and switch off camera and leave connection going if you wanted to until the meeting starts but get connected first as priority.

·       If connecting with a non-council device – tablet/phone. Check a day or so ahead of the meeting that you can join. Most will be fine, but exempt and confidential meetings can prevent access through non council devices.

·       Turn off camera and microphone when in a meeting. Only turn camera on when you are near to being invited to speak. Remember to unmute your microphone when you do start speaking. Democratic Services can mute you but can’t switch you back on.

·       When you join a meeting, make sure you open the chat functionality or show conversation. All voting and interaction with the chair will take place in here. No other conversations are to take place in the chat other than to interact with the chair. If you want your own conversations, use a separate chat, old skype system (still working for now), emails, whats app whatever you like. But keep this clear otherwise you will miss your opportunity to speak.

·       Voting will be done in the chat through an app. Simply click your preference followed by submit vote and the system automatically calculates.

·       The Chair will lead meeting from the outset and be given a draft agenda to know who will introduce each item plus potential speakers/officers.  The Chair can see all participants in the meeting so will introduce on their behalf. Chair will also note apologies received in advance of the meeting and ask for any apologies to be recorded in the chat for inclusion in the minutes.

·       Chair  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.