Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 12th January, 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: County Hall, Usk - Remote Attendance

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


County Councillor Peter Clarke


Before commencing proceedings the Chair, on behalf of the Planning Committee, paid tribute to the late County Councillor Peter Clarke who had recently passed away.  As a mark of respect, the Planning Committee held a minute’s silence.


Declarations of Interest


None received.


Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 129 KB


The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting dated 7th December 2021 were confirmed and signed by the Chair.


Application DM/2019/01937 - Hybrid planning application - Outline planning application for up to 155 dwellings, associated open space and infrastructure with all matters excluding access reserved, of which full planning permission is sought for 72 dwellings, associated open space and infrastructure. Land at Vinegar Hill, Undy, Monmouthshire pdf icon PDF 548 KB


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report and subject to a Section 106 Legal Agreement.


The local Member for The Elms attended the meeting by invitation of the Chair and outlined the following points:


·         Magor and Undy have been overdeveloped over the years with the infrastructure not being developed at the same rate.


·         The health and well-being of residents is important. Concern was expressed that local doctors’ surgeries and dentists will not cope with the increase in population from the proposed development.


·         Clarity was sought following an email from the local health board in February 2020. It had been assumed that due to no objection, the surgery had adequate space to accommodate additional numbers of patients.


·         The local Member informed the Committee that the Environmental Health Officer had stated that the majority of the site would fall under TAN 11.


·         Noise issues should be taken into account when determining planning applications with conditions being imposed to ensure an adequate level of protection.  Planning permission should not be granted where it is considered that permission would be suited at a better quieter available location.


·         Conditions should be imposed to ensure a commensurate level of protection against noise.


·         The local Member asked whether there was evidence that there were no alternative sites that would be a more suitable location within the County and questioned whether the proposed site was the best site available given the constant noise and traffic pollution from the M4 motorway.


·         The loss of green space will significantly impact on Undy residents. Green space is important for residents’ health and well-being. There is no alternative usable green space in the area for residents.


·         The local Member expressed concern regarding the exit and entrance onto the B4245 from Dancing Hill.  The speed and volume of traffic has been a concern for Magor and Undy residents.  An additional 155 properties will significantly increase the number of vehicles travelling along this route.  The correct measures need to be installed to reduce the speed of vehicles along this route.


·         Concern was expressed regarding road safety issues at Vinegar Hill.  It was considered that a true reflection of residents’ views had not been undertaken regarding Vinegar Hill.  Further consultation should be considered regarding this matter. Most sections of the highway on Vinegar Hill are a single car width which can be dangerous for residents with sections of the highway having no footway.  Heavy goods vehicles have become stuck blocking the road with some properties having been damaged by vehicles due to the narrowness of the road.


·         When an accident occurs on the B4245 or the M4 motorway, Magor and Undy become congested immediately with Vinegar Hill being used as a ‘rat run’.


·         Traffic cameras had been set up in April 2019 but there were issues regarding the date that this took place. 


·         Undy School – complaints are being received from residents regarding vehicles parking on Penny Farthing Lane  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Application DM/2021/01376 - Proposed two storey rear extension with associated works. 2 Cae Capel, Great Oak, Bryngwyn, Usk pdf icon PDF 241 KB


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


In noting the detail of the application, the following point was identified:


·         In response to comments made regarding the loss of amenity impacting on the neighbouring property, the Development Management Area Manager informed the Committee that the application has been looked at on its own merits and it is acknowledged that there will be some degree of impact but the mitigating circumstances in terms of the distance from the boundary and the north facing orientation, on balance, indicates that there is insufficient grounds to recommend refusal.


It was proposed by County Councillor G. Howard and seconded by County Councillor P. Murphy that application DM/2021/01376 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.


Upon being put to the vote the following votes were recorded:


For approval                         -           13

Against approval                  -           0

Abstentions                           -           1


The proposition was carried.


We resolved that application DM/2021/01376 be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.