Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Tuesday, 1st June, 2021 2.00 pm

Venue: Remote Meeting

Contact: Democratic Services 


No. Item


Election of Chair


We elected County Councillor R. Edwards as Chair.


Appointment of Vice-Chair


We appointed County Councillor P. Clarke as Vice-Chair.


Declarations of Interest


None received.


Confirmation of Minutes pdf icon PDF 160 KB


The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting dated 13th April 2021 were confirmed and signed by the Chair subject to the following amendments:


Application DM/2020/01258 – Three bullet points on page 8 of the minutes be amended to read as follows:


‘To ensure the approved outbuilding is ancillary but is not used for accommodation or as a separate residential use.’ 


Application DM/2019/01495 - Construction of two dwellings together with formation of car parking (Amended description 14/01/2020). The Tan House Inn, Shirenewton pdf icon PDF 194 KB


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was

recommended for approval subject to the 12 conditions outlined in the report.


Shirenewton Community Council, had submitted a written statement outlining the community council’s objections to the application which was read to the Planning Committee by the Head of Planning, as follows:


‘Shirenewton Community Council has the following objections to this application.

·         The proposed houses are large four bedroomed dwellings commanding a price unaffordable by local inhabitants. Our community cannot thrive without its younger members and families and the proposed dwellings work against this. Whilst we appreciate the s106 payment towards affordable housing, the sums involved are way too small to permit any significant affordable housing provision.

·         Whilst we accept that The Tan House site (still not trading as a pub) is an eyesore it lies in the historic centre of the village and any partial redevelopment impacts on both the conservation area and the amenity offered by the pub. There would be no outside seating nor children's play area at the pub, and the two large executive houses standing prominently next to the highway will be wholly out of character.

·         The existing hedge on the boundary with the highway should be retained in the present appearance and size to maintain the rural outlook.

·         Many of our residents live outside the village itself and travel in by car. The highways around the pub are narrow and offer no on street parking. Curtailing the available parking will result in obstruction for the immediate neighbours.

·         The parking spaces for the two dwellings are accessed through the pub car park. Insufficient consideration has been given for the dwelling occupiers and visitors to turn to exit their parking and the layout is such that they are prone to being blocked in.’


The applicant’s agent, Richard Ball, Architect, had submitted a written statement in support of the application which was read to the Planning Committee by the Head of Planning, as follows:


‘I note the planner in her report has gone through the many issues raised by this application and considered them all to have been resolved to her satisfaction.  I have discussed this with my client and he has resolved to take the application to appeal should it be refused.


This application does not take any farmland.  It uses secondary land and is therefore in line with current government thinking on housing supply and should be supported.’


The local Member for Shirenewton, also a Planning Committee Member, outlined the following points:


·         The main planning policy for the loss of the community facility is LDP Policy CRF1.


·         The pub occupies an important historical site in the village.


·         Policy CRF1 states in the report of the application that it could reasonably become financially viable and particularly attractive is the outdoor play area, making it a facility as a family pub.


·         Policy CRF1 also states – to change part of the facility will not be permitted if it will prejudice the long term retention  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Application DM/2020/00390 - Change of use of existing agricultural building to B1 use. Gaerllwyd Farm, Gaerllwyd Farm To Gethley Road Newchurch, Devauden Chepstow pdf icon PDF 206 KB


We considered the report of the application and late correspondence which was

recommended for approval subject to the nine conditions outlined in the report with condition 9 being amended to ensure the parking layout includes a minimum of two electric vehicle charging points to be operational before the B1 use commences.


Shirenewton Community Council, had submitted a written statement outlining the community council’s objections to the application which was read to the Planning Committee by the Head of Planning, as follows:


‘Shirenewton Community Council strongly objects to this application.


Our responses dated 8th June 2020 and 14th April 2021 are summarised in the Planning Officer's Report so we won't restate them here.


PPW11, Monmouthshire County Council’s comments in the LDP on policy RE2 and RE2 itself all acknowledge that development is not at any cost to the environment.  Developments must be carefully controlled and a balance is required to protect the character and appearance of the surrounding area. Whilst the shell of the building is largely retained, this application would be the first B1 site in this deeply rural countryside, industrialising a nature driven farming area.  Tourists and residents alike highly value our landscape and environment.


Gaerllwyd Farmhouse (now a private residence) is close by, Chapel Cottage is across the B4235, the barn conversion directly opposite the site is currently being rebuilt for residential occupation, the adjacent milking parlour has consent for conversion to a dwelling, and Glenmore, another residence, is barely 100m from the site, all of which would be directly affected by any increase in activity.

There are 19 parking spaces suggesting around 38 vehicle movements daily, plus deliveries and collections, all impacting on our residents.  Access past the building is unsatisfactory as the marked loading bays will inevitably obstruct access to the car park with consequential difficulties for emergency vehicles.


Whilst the Planning Report envisages unobtrusive offices, the Environmental Officer reminds us that the definition of class B1 includes research and development of products or processes, and any industrial process being a use which can be carried out in any residential area without detriment to the amenity of that area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust or grit. We are further concerned that Wales may follow England in combining B1 in a new use class E with retail goods, financial and professional services.


We note this is a speculative development with no specific end user in mind. The internal layout of the building is unsuitable for offices, lacking heating and insulation, with a ceiling height to the roof ridge of 6.46m. The shutter doors are 2.95m high permitting the movement of large plant and machinery.


Were Councillors minded to grant consent we would request stricter limits on the operating hours particularly to exclude use at weekends and bank / public holidays and the operation of any plant, process or machinery outside working times, and an Article 4 direction confining use B1(a) as three offices.


If a farmer applied under RE3  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


FOR INFORMATION - The Planning Inspectorate - Appeals Decisions Received:


Appeal Decision - Cwmgyst, Pentre Lane, Abergavenny pdf icon PDF 293 KB


We received the Planning Inspectorate report which related to an appeal decision following a site visit that had been held at Cwmgyst, Pentre Lane, Abergavenny on 30th April 2021.


We noted that the appeal had been allowed and attached to the decision was a certificate of lawful use or development describing the proposed use of Cwmgyst, Pentre Lane, Abergavenny, NP7 7HE as a dwelling house without any occupancy restriction.