Issue - meetings

Allocation of funding to Develop a Town Centre Regeneration Plan, Caldicot

Meeting: 26/07/2017 - Individual Cabinet Member Decisions (Item 3.)

3. Allocation of funding to Develop a Town Centre Regeneration Plan, Caldicot pdf icon PDF 127 KB

CABINET MEMBER:  County Councillor S B Jones


AUTHOR: Roger Hoggins, Head of Operations



Additional documents:


That £30,000 be allocated from the S106 fund already available for improvements to Newport Road, Caldicot (£170,000) and walking and cycling improvements (£50,000); this to be used to acquire specialist support to develop a town centre regeneration plan.


That the remaining £190,000 be held in abeyance should funding be required in support of any grant applications contemplated.


Should timescales demand that the £190,000 revert to spending upon improvements to the pedestrianized area, Newport Road, Caldicot and walking and cycling improvements.