Issue - meetings

Test 6

Meeting: 07/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 4f)

Transport grant and Section 106 Schemes

Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: To seek member approval for highway and transportation schemes as part of Welsh Government transport grants and Section 106 agreements associated with new developments throughout Monmouthshire as shown in appendix A and B. 


Author: Paul Keeble - Group Engineer (Highway & Flood Management)


Contact Details:


Additional documents:


·         That the projects listed below and detailed in Appendix A be approved and that the respective revenue and capital budgets be created in 2017/18 to carry out these projects, and that these are funded by contributions from the respective grant claims.



·         That budgets be created in 2017/18 for the balances held by the County Council for the respective highway contributions from agreements set out under Section 106 of the Town & County Planning Act 1990, as listed below and detailed in Appendix B.