Issue - meetings

Test 4

Meeting: 27/07/2016 - Cabinet (Item 4d)

4d Social Care and Health Senior Leadership Review pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: To propose a revised senior leadership structure for Social Care and Health


Author: Claire Marchant, Chief Officer, Social Care & Health


Contact Details:

Additional documents:


To agree a fit for purpose senior leadership structure for Social Care and Health.


To authorise the Chief Officer to proceed with management action necessary to give effect to these changes in keeping with approved Council employment policies.


To request that should the costs of redundancy not be able to be met from the directorate, these costs be covered from the Redundancy and Pension Reserve.


To request access to the invest to redesign reserve to support the transformation capacity needed to deliver the practice change needed for sustainable improvement in children’s services.