Issue - meetings

Test 6

Meeting: 19/01/2022 - Cabinet (Item 3a)


Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: To set out draft revenue budget proposals for financial year 2022/23.


To commence a period of consultation on the draft budget proposals for a four-week period to 16th February 2022.


To consider the 2022/23 draft budget proposals within the context of the 4 year Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) and the Corporate Plan.


Author: Peter Davies, Deputy Chief Executive / Chief Officer for Resources (S151 Officer)


Contact Details:


Additional documents:


That Cabinet approves the release of its draft budget proposals for 2022/23 for consultation purposes.


That Cabinet approves that the consultation period, including the opportunity to present alternative proposals that have been assessed for Future Generations and equality implications, commences for a four-week period ending on 16 th February 2022.


That Cabinet confirms that the draft budget proposals and the revenue budget for 2022/23 are wholly aligned with the priorities set out in both the Corporate Plan and latest iteration of its strategic aims and that looks to maintain focus on the longer term challenges facing communities, and calls on the Council’s partners and partnerships to maintain such similar focus.


To update Cabinet on the implications arising out of the provisional settlement announcement of Welsh Goverrnment and to agree its proposed response as outlined in the letter shown in appendix 5.


That Cabinet recognises unavoidable service pressures of some £10.41 million and further pay pressures of £4.96 million that need to be provided for within the 2022/23 budget.


That Cabinet confirms its intention fund pay related pressures insofar as they impact schools and up to a threshold of a 3% pay award, and to accommodate significant demand pressures caused, in particular by increasing numbers of looked after children and pupils with additional learning needs.


That Cabinet proposes a Council Tax rise of 3.95% for modelling purposes for financial year 2022/23 and over the medium term


That Cabinet acknowledges the financial risks and uncertainties that remain and that unless mitigated through other means will result in further budget pressures needing to be managed.


That Cabinet recognises that whilst the draft budget proposals are presenting a balanced budget this includes a one-off contribution of £863k from the Council’s limited general reserve (Council Fund). Efforts are to continue to mitigate as much as possible the level of reserve contribution supporting the budget proposals for 2022/23.