Issue - meetings

Test 3

Meeting: 20/12/2019 - Cabinet (Item 3e)

3e DEPOTS REVIEW pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Division/Wards Affected: All


Purpose: The current depot arrangements have developed on a piecemeal basis over many years, the depots/compounds are not ideal in some instances and lack a cohesive approach to the provision of depots and the services provided from the depots. This report summarises some of the underlying problems and constraints of the current facilities and seeks approval to undertake an assessment of current depot facilities and bring forward options to rationalise and improve depot facilities in and around the county.


Author: Roger Hoggins


Contact Details:


That the feasibility of transferring depot operations currently run from Mitchel Troy Depot, Monmouth be assessed and a depot and Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) plan be developed to move the Troy HWRC from its current site (upper plateau) to the Troy depot yard (lower plateau) including the transfer of the operational services (grounds maintenance, waste/recycling, neighbourhood services) presently operating from Troy depot to Llanfoist and Raglan depots (this feasibility to include the implications for Llanfoist and Raglan sites).


To develop depot options for the South of the county. This to include, inter alia, a partnership arrangement with Newport City Council (ideally supported by Welsh Government), an MCC only depot suitable to combine all operational services or to remain largely as is but with essential investment to introduce basic improvements to current depot facilities. These options to be summarised and the preferred option to be developed into a business plan.


That officers enter into negotiations and discussions with other bodies (including local authorities, WG, land agents/valuers etc.) in order that comprehensive proposals might be developed prior to returning to members for approval. This will include all necessary discussions with staff and unions that might be affected by changes to be submitted to members in the future.