Issue - meetings


Meeting: 03/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 3a)

3a Guaranteed Interview Scheme for service leavers, spouses, reservists and veterans pdf icon PDF 89 KB

Wards/Divisions Affected: All


Purpose: For Cabinet to consider the Armed Forces recognition work across Monmouthshire and also to agree to progress implementation of the Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS) for service leavers, spouses, reservists and veterans.


Authors: Joe Skidmore (Community & Partnership Development Lead); Lisa Rawlings (Regional Armed Forces Covenant Liaison Officer); Sally Thomas (HR Manager)



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Additional documents:


To introduce a Guaranteed Interview Scheme (GIS) for service leavers, spouses, reservists and veterans, as long as they meet the essential criteria of the person specification/job description.


To continue to develop themes of this work as part of the revision to our Recruitment & Selection Policy and associated work streams.